Friday Roundup

It’s Friday!!!

But really, it’s my Sunday, since I have to go to work tomorrow night.

Boot camp started this week.

It is HARD!

I overslept this morning and didn’t go :(.  But I am on my way to the gym after this.

It’s been hard, realizing how out of shape I am.  It’s easy to pretend that you are looking OK and just a little out of shape until you start working out.  And until you see yourself and all your thick thighs, and thick ankles in front of you under the bright lights of the workout room.


My legs have been so sore! Yesterday, I couldn’t even move.

So I think it was my body’s defense mechanism that made me sleep through my alarm this morning.

But that’s OK.  I WILL do this!

Other than that, the only bigger news of the week is the temper tantrum that Pookah threw yesterday.

I’ve never seen anything like it.

It was almost magnificent in it’s scale.  I mean, he really really let go.

I was shocked, horrified, and grateful that we were at home.

Finally, I left him in the living room and told him to come see me when he was through.

It took him about 5 minutes before he reappeared.  He then took a cup of milk and then promptly fell asleep for 2 hours.

OMG! I can’t do that again!

When he woke up, he was just fine.  Back to his normal self for the rest of the day like nothing ever happened.


Well, hope you guys have an awesome weekend! It’s going to be a hot one here in Atlanta! Can’t wait to see all of the hot weather  fashions that appear!



  1. These tantrums are the *worst*. Lewis had a breakdown this morning over nothing! I was trying not to be late to work and he was bucking and kicking so hard I couldn’t even get him strapped into his car seat. Nothing would placate him so I had to force him into the seat and hit the road. He flipped out for most of the ride and I ignored him. When we got to daycare and I went around to get him out of the car he was smiling at me all angel like.

    I don’t know if I can handle another morning like that. This also makes me scared to take him anywhere if he will lose it over nothing. SMH.

  2. *NEWSFLASH* They will show out on you from the ages of like 1 1/2 until 3. My son did his first one at Macy’s. I mean fell out in the floor and SCREAMED to the top of his lungs. People were looking, and I was frozen I couldn’t believe it. The more I said get up, let’s go the louder he screamed. I just started walking, eventually he got the picture and got up.

    I am so not looking forward to that stage with Lil Mama, I barely made it though with Lil Man….Lawd the thought of it.

  3. Great post about time-honored struggles—working out and temper tantrums! It’s funny how two different activities can achieve the same results—exhaustion and recovery. You can survive both!

    Have a great day, Lady Blogger! See you at the Saturday Tea Parties!

  4. Hi! Found your blog through the Lady Blogger tea party. I know how you feel with working out. And I take Zumba classes at my gym…I don’t even like looking at myself in the mirror (which is kinda hard cos the room is surrounded by mirrors). I’m determined to get in shape, tho. Good luck!

    Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Publication

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