Gluten Free Adventures: The Making of Cupcakes

So, since Pookah became the cupcake bandit( see here), I have been on a mission to bake him a quality gluten free cupcake.

By quality, I mean one that tastes good.

It took me a while because I had to find all of the ingredients! Between a Kroger and Whole Foods, I finally got them all.

And it wasn’t cheap.

But anyway. My mission this past weekend, was to make a cupcake that my child could eat. And one that his parents wouldn’t mind eating either.

I turned to Elizabeth Hasselback’s Gluten Free Cookbook.


She said these were tested on folks who KNEW the difference.  Sooooo…..


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Yes! Duncan Hines is Gluten Free!!!


They were good! Other than being thicker and denser than your usual cupcake, it tasted almost exactly the same.  Not gritty or crumbly at all.  And with the icing, I swear if I didn’t know any better, I would not even notice the difference.

The REAL test:

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After smiling and pointing and talking about “cupcakes!” all morning long, do you know that boy wouldn’t even taste one!!!!!!! OMG!!!

SMH. I swear.  Hopefully, he will try one. I mean dang. All that hard work!

Anyway, tune in next time for the next Gluten Free Adventure.  Hopefully, Pookah will at least try it!!


    1. He points at the cake pan every day, but still won’t taste. I think he’s been brainwashed into thinking he can’t have them!

  1. Awww, I do hope he tries one, after all that hard work! Kids are like that though. They look really yummy.

    1. Thanks! I don’t know. He’s standing firm and won’t touch them. He watched me eat one and was t even tempted

  2. Nice! And I’m going to take your word and try to make these….can you post or send me the full recipe? I’m not allergic to wheat, but I’m definitely up for trying new recipes.

  3. Ha! That’s hilarious! I mean, oops, sorry. I hope he tastes one eventually. I was expecting the end of the post to be something like along the lines of him eating them all… oh well. Thanks for coming to visit me on my SITS day yesterday!

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