Nablopomo Day 12: Inspiration at Starbucks?
Nablopomo Day 12: today’s topic: What’s your favorite place to blog?
What I love about blogging, is that you can do it anywhere. And I do! Whether it’s at my wanna be desk in the playroom, a folding tray in the den, on my iPad, on my iPhone or even in my bed. But my absolute favorite place to blog is at the Starbucks near Pookah’s school. It’s got ambiance, great music, terrific light and my beloved Starbucks coffee! I love that I can’t get distracted there by the TV, laundry, or other things I need to do in the house.
I love writing there because it makes me feel like I’m a writer. Why? I don’t know. I suppose it fits an image in my head of where a writer goes to write if not at home. I can bang out post after post sitting in Starbucks while sitting on a Soy Vanilla Latte. Maybe it’s the access to continuous caffeine and those wonderful scones? I haven’t written at Starbucks in a while. Maybe I’ll go back this week……
This past summer I did it at the pool from my iPad and loved it!
Love that! I pretty much blog anywhere too 🙂
yes, any place is great to blog…but when you find a place you love to post it’s golden.
My laptop computer does not have any batteries in it so I can’t pick it up and take it with me and I don’t feel like lugging the plug so unfortunately I have to blog at home on my makeshift desk which is ok I just turn the tv off and let my fingers do the talking. I won’t be getting an ipad for Christmas but I will get something like it……I hope. If santa does not bring it to me its not going to be a pretty day on this side of town.
I swoon for your Google homepage pic! I blog at home, usually on the couch or the kitchen table. Exciting, I know. LOL
love that homepage pic! there is certainly something about pulling out the lap top at a coffee shop. i haven’t done it in ages.