About last week….
Last week, as you know, I went to San Francisco.
The amount of visual eyecandy that I saw everyday was just…..
I mean wow.
Even the streets and the houses and traffic was gorgeous!
I found myself wanting to just live behind my camera because there was just so much to see! So much to capture.
But I did follow my own advice and put the camera down and enjoy myself.
I’m still working on those photos. In fact, I’ve only gotten through the 145 photos I took on Tuesday, our first day. And that was only half a day. *screams silently*
Yes, my name is LaShawn and I have problem with overshooting.
Anyhoo, no rest for the weary, I’m back at work today.
I’ll be struggling through my heavy to do list at work and thinking of being back here…..
Sigh. How was your week?
Glad you had fun in Cali and got to see all the gorgeous views. Can’t wait to see more pics from your trip.
I know it was gorgeous out there can’t wait to see more pictures
I so wish I could’ve came. I actually won tickets last year to go but unfortunately couldn’t make it this yer 🙁 I ‘m looking forward to seeing your pictures. (I’m also an overshooter and it annoys everyone but hey at least you didn’t miss anything right? lol )
I can’t wait to see your pictures!! An Francisco is such a gorgeous city!