Results of Procrastination: Last minute BlogHer Preparations….

BlogHer '12

Of course, me being me, I’ve left everything for BlogHer for the last minute.

I started off strong at the beginning of the month with a mini “get ready” to do list.

Yeah right.

Anyhoo, life,working nights, sleep deprivation and going to Destin last weekend effectively messed up any plans that I had of not being last minute.

There is so much to do!

I had to pack.

Wait, start over.

I had to decide what to pack.

I mean, did I want to present myself as a fashionista?( I am NOT!)   Or just be myself?( That’s more like it.)

Shoes? How many shoes?

Computer? Ipad???


Camera? Lens? Which ones?????


And then, I have to pack for Pookah. Which meant clothes, food, cupcakes( my cousin is giving her son a party soooo), epi pen, vitamins, Thomas the Train bath toys……..


And then, there was the coordination of the official parties, the private parties,the get togethers with “gotta meet you in real life”  bloggy friends.

And finally, I what sessions do I attend? What do I want to get out of this conference?

There are several interesting sessions, and apart from the obvious ones that I am interested in, I had no idea what to choose.

So finally, I looked at the speakers, saw that one session in particular has EVERYONE I’ve always wanted to meet and picked that one as my MUST go to one.  (Issa Rae anyone???) The rest, I guess, will fall into place.

Well, I’ve got to go, to finish getting everything ready.  I’ve got to go grocery shopping for C-Dub. Because heaven forbid I leave him with no food in the house…..



  1. Oh, my! You have a lot to do. But I’m sure you’ll get it all done. Relax and do one thing at a time. Have fun at BlogHer!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  2. I came across your blog because of twitter, I am so happy I did. I hope to meet you at the BlogHer event or during the #LipStickandHeels event!

  3. Don’t stress! You’ll be fine. Just bring everything and figured it out when you get there. lol. I’m kidding. I think with the camera stuff, just take the lenses you’ve been using for the past three months. I hope you have a blast! I can’t wait to hear all about your trip!

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