Letters to Our Sons: June

Dear Pookah:

Each morning, on our way to camp, you ask me, which car should I take Mama?

letters to our sons June

You aren’t taking them to camp, but rather, you are trying to decide which ones are worthy enough to ride IN THE CAR to camp.

To say your are obsessed with these little Hot Wheels is an understatement.

You sleep with them.

You eat with them.

You bathe with them.

letters to our sons june

They are all over my house and I find myself stepping on them in the middle of the night.

They are all over the backseat of my car, they are under the beds….

This morning, I found one in my purse.

letters to our sons Juneletters to our sons June

But I love it.

I love this boyishness.

I love to hear you play with them and name them and give them each their own little voices and personalities.

Ahhhh, I love that you are a boy.

letters to our sons June

Love Mama.




This post is a part of a lovely group of Photographers that I found through Clickin Moms. Each month, we write Letters to Our Sons.  Click through our circle to read all of the wonderful letters. Next up is Jana O’Flaherty/Photography


  1. *cries* I remember when my son loved his cars I have a ton of them if Pookah wants more my son doesn’t even look at them anymore I have over 100 of them. I would be glad to pass it on.

  2. Oh my! How sweet is this! Love Love your photos of your sweet boy and what a great way to capture the sweetness of being a boy.

  3. I really love this! Now that I have a son, I’m loving the boyish things that we have around the house. Its a reminder to be young and stay that way 🙂

  4. Your pictures make it look so much calmer and nicer than real life lol..cars were Chunks’s obsession last year this year is all about dinosaurs. I love this idea/circle.

  5. Pookah and my baby would be great friends! He has full on story lines for all of his cars too. We have a discussion every morning about how many cars we are NOT taking with us. Love! 🙂

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