Stream of Consciousness Sunday

I missed a day of my black and white challenge/365/naphopomo!

Technically. Cause you see, I took a photo with my iPhone on Friday that could be considered. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am ALSO doing a #30daysofthankfulness challenge on there too( I’m overdoing it I know).  On Friday, i did post a black and white photo that WILL be used for the rest of my challenges too! It’s an iPhone but i don’t care DAMMIT!! IT COUNTS!

Anyhoo.  We are in Alabama this weekend. I needed to check on my father and CDub was going to a football game at his alma mater.  ( I hate football so, I was NOT going to do it).  Pookah, of course is having a grand ole time. Some of his favorite people are here and well..he’s happy.



Pookah’s birthday party at school is on Friday and I am frantically running around trying to get it all together. His birthday isn’t until next Tuesday but they only allow parties on Friday at his school.  Sigh.  I took the day off for a 1 hour party. But hey, why not?

I think my 5 minutes are up



This was a stream of consciousness post. To do it, set a timer for 5 minutes and just write.  Then post. The end.


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