Meningitis B Vaccination:What Parents Need to Know
This post is sponsored by GSK and its public health awareness campaign, “Ask2BSure”.
Parents, did you know that there are TWO different types of vaccinations needed to help protect against the five vaccine-preventable groups of meningitis?4 And if you have a teen or young adult from age 16-23, do you know if they have received vaccination for meningitis B?
If you don’t know the answer to one or both of these questions, you need to read this post!
Meningococcal disease, known as meningitis, is an uncommon, but serious illness that can cause life-threatening complications, or even death1. Anyone can get meningitis, but rates of the disease reach a peak in adolescence, with the highest rates among teens and young adults 16 – 23 years old2. Adolescents and young adults are at an increased risk for contracting meningitis because it can spread through behaviors such as living in close quarters, coughing, sneezing, kissing, and sharing drinks or utensils1,3.
There are two different types of vaccinations needed to help protect against the 5 vaccine-preventable groups of meningitis (one for groups A, C, W, and Y and another for group B)4.
I know that Pookah got one type of meningitis vaccination at his recent annual appointment, but I had no idea about meningitis B vaccination for adolescents and young adults aged 16-23. So even though my son is not of age yet for this vaccination, I am so glad to be aware of it so that I can ask for more information when the time comes!
The more informed we are, the better equipped we will be to initiate important vaccine conversations with our children’s healthcare providers and make the best decision to help protect them!
Make sure you watch this short educational video and then call your child’s doctor to “Ask2BSure” about meningitis B vaccination.
For each view of the video, GSK will donate $1, up to $10,000, to the Meningitis B Action Project, a project that was started by two mothers who lost their daughters to meningitis B and are now on a mission to educate fellow parents. Views will be counted through December 31st, 2021.
Make sure to visit for more information.
1 – Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Chapter 8: Meningococcal Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Reviewed December 2019. Accessed November 2020.
2. Meningococcal Disease: Clinical Information. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Reviewed May 31, 2019. Accessed November 2020.
3. Meningitis. Overview. Mayo Clinic website. Updated October 1, 2020. Accessed November 2020.
4. Vaccines and Preventable Diseases. Meningococcal Vaccination for Adolescents:
Information for Healthcare Professionals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Reviewed July 26, 2019. Accessed November 2020.