Monday Morning Thoughts

It’s Monday!

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Just a few things:

  • Marriage is hard.  It takes work.  I was reminded of this this weekend.  I’ve been slacking in my wifey duties( no not THAT…well yes, that too). But I’ve been focusing a lot on me and a lot on Pookah, but not enough on him.  That has to stop.  So I’m trying to rework my schedule/life a bit so that what’s important can remain important.
  • Photography is becoming an obsession.  I’m finally getting more comfortable with my camera and shooting manual thanks to the photography class I took with Faith at Simplicity-My Life in Mostly Photographs and forums like ClickinMoms.  Everywhere I look, I see pictures.  I look outside and I think, what great light.  I see Pookah doing something and think, how do I capture that accurately? I took a picture this weekend that I am SO proud of I want to pinch myself! I think I’m going to put it up on my wall!
  • I’m reading the Game of Thrones Series.  I am on book three and obsessed. Just one more thing to fit in my schedule.
  • I want an ipad.
  • I need a new laptop.
  • Hell, I need a new desktop too while we’re at it!
  • I have 2 more weekends after this one until I don’t have to work EVERY weekend anymore. Of course, I will still be working nights, but it’s the first step.
  • This is a good thing because I’ve discovered that I miss going to church, and Pookah needs to go too. And C-Dub.  We ALL need to have our butts up in there!
  • You will notice in the coming weeks, a few changes to my blog.  Blogalicious has inspired me and I’m going to put some of the things I learned into place.  Stay tuned.
  • I am going to do NaBloPoMo! Pray for me folks! I think I tried last year, then gave up, but I’m going to try again!  Join me!
  • And finally, the holidays are coming.  Are you ready?


  1. Happy Halloween. I want an ipad too *crying* but we need another computer so there is no need to by a ipad when a computer cost about the same thing. We also need a fax machine and printer so that will be both of our Christmas presents combined. Girl I need to be in church also but I do go to bedside baptist with TD Jakes. I know you can’t wait to get weekends off let me know so we can go celebrate.

    1. Yes I can’t wait to be able to DO thing on the weekend again! I’m trying to justify an iPad…..I’m REALLY TRYING!

  2. Yay for a blog post everyday!

    I noticed you upping your picture game, too. Makes me want to take a class (and actually PAY for it!)…hmm.

    Yeeeees. Marraige is WORK. But it gets better….

    And I am trying to convince E that I need a MacBook. LOL. We will see how that turns out.

    I know I am responding all out of order – but I am random like that. 🙂

  3. Now, I’m in Nashville, so you may have to check, but OfficeMax here is running a special that you get $250 off your new laptop if you trade in your old one. Maybe you can get a good deal!

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