Monday Morning Thoughts
This NaBloPoMo is really really stretching my idea bank of stuff to write about. I feel so random and mundane.
How was your weekend?
Mine was horrid, but Pookah improved yesterday at the cost of my sleep.
It’s hard to resist a clingy sick baby who sweetly lays his head on your shoulder and wants to cuddle.
So I worked sleep deprived all Sunday night.
At least I didn’t get frantic text messages.
It amazed me how C-Dub’s attitude changed once I was home. To be fair to him, he was overwhelmed. I would be too if Pookah was throwing up every hour and my nurse wife wasn’t there in person to take care of it so that I could sleep help me.
So anyway. Today is the beginning of the new schedule at work. Mine and his. He is insisting that he is going to have Pookah at daycare by 7 am so that he can get to work by 8. So he can get off to be home by 6 so I can go to work on time during the week.
We’ll see how this works out.
I’m hoping he actually gets up. I have my doubts. C-Dub likes to sleep in.
But if it works, I gain a whole hour in the morning when I get home from work. Because usually I am the one who feeds Pookah and takes him to daycare after I get off from work.
I’m kinda looking forward to it. Even though I will miss my Pookah kisses in the morning time.
Anyway. I’m tired.
Have a happy Monday.
update: Pookah and CDub were still home when I got here. Pookah was so pitiful and still had a touch of diarrhea. Why can’t I be that mom who sends their child to daycare anyway???? So we’re home today. I’m barely awake, but I guess me and Mr Starbucks will continue to be friends until naptime.
Sigh. Motherhood.
I hope the schedule works out. This Nablopomo is getting hard. I usually don’t write on the weekend so what I have been doing is going to some of my old posts that did not get comments and re do them to make them current. Hope you have a great Monday
“Why can’t I be that mom who sends their child to daycare anyway????”
where they do THAT at? lol
Awww…motherhood…true life stories rock!