Monday Randomness……
Happy Monday!
And without further ado, this week’s random thoughts…..
- Teen Mom. You know, it started off sort of documentary style showing how these teens lives have changed drastically because of the choices that they had made. It showed how a child having a child is life changing. But somehow along the way, it became sensationalized. Even RELAITY shows are NOT REALITY! I see way too many teen moms at work in Labor and Delivery and it is NOT glamorous. Oh yeah, it’s cute when you’re pregnant and buying cute clothes and having a baby shower, and your baby daddy is there for “support”. But when the baby gets here, reality sets in. It cries, it’s hungry and the baby daddy is gone. And when did it become OK to put teen Moms on the cover of magazines? MTV, People magazine, US Weekly, The Today Show and everyone else needs to take the spotlight off of thesekids. They need to STOP glamorizing this lifestyle! OK……I can get off my soap box now.
- I’m starting to think of Christmas gifts for myself( yes, I buy myself a Christimas gift). What would you buy, a Kindle or a Nook? Hmmmmmmmm
- Remember the woman in Vancouver, Washington who claimed that a black woman just came up to her and threw acid on her face? Yeah, turns out she did it to herself. First off, who puts acid on their own face? WTH? Secondly, why do these women keep blaming “black” women/men when something bad happens? SMH
- Lindsey Lohan……….AGAIN?
- A co-worker told me that her 12 year old went to get a bikini wax. WTH? When did 12 year olds start needing bikini waxes? When I probed her further, this child(yes she is still a child) gets her eyebrows waxed, shaves her legs, and gets a her nails(acrylics) and toes done. This 12 year old is more groomed than I am. I was amazed and astounded until I read this article on MSNBC. She’s not the only one. Am I the only one who finds something wrong with this?
- And finally, will you watch Bristol Palin and David “The Hoff” Hasselhoff on Dancing With the Stars this season?????? Do you care? I don’t, but admit that while channel surfing, I might tune in a couple of times just because……
Stay tuned for next week’s episode…….
Nook! I love mine!
I will never watch that Teen Mom series. I know moms who do. I think it’s sick how they are sensationalizing teen pregnancy. Just shows you how low TV will stoop for ratings. How low? Hmm, Jersey Shore also comes to mind..
1. I’ve been thinking that there must be no news going on in Hollywood lately if the Teen Moms are on every cover.
2. Don’t listen to Babs – hehe! The Kindle 3 is hot (even though mine hasn’t shipped yet LOL). Nah, seriously do some research on the pros/cons of each and see which features are more important to you. I’ve heard that Best Buy will start selling Kindles soon so you should be able to play with both in the store. They should also release an upgraded Nook in the near future so you might want to wait.
6. I try to watch DWTS every year and every year I am bored to tears. Dance shows…just can’t do it.
1. I watch them and smh at their antics. I think that all reality tv has a sensationalist and voyeuristic quality about it. I don’t see this topic/show as being any different. Teenage moms have been around forever and will continue to be present in our society. I think don’t this show encourages it anymore than it discourages it.
2. I love my Kindle! I did some very basic research and I’m pleased with my decision.
5. Wow. I’m old school to the core, so I would certainly not allow my 12 year old to do any of this.
6. I haven’t watched DWTS since Monique (cute sista from High School Musical) was R.O.B.B.E.D!
I know a couple of people with Kindles and they really like them. I’ve heard nothing about the Nook.
-teen mom show is just awful now, if they were anywhere else DFCS would have been there to take those kids …asap.
-i heard the kindle (my sis has one) is pretty good but i agree do some research on it first.
-you know i was pretty pissed about the vancouver, washington women I WANT A DAMN APOLOGY! sick of these people pointing fingers at black people, i mean granted we do some screwed up crap at time but c’mon now.
-i am sick of lindsey, her and paris just keep skating by.
-i think a kid needs to be a kid stop prepping them for pedophiles.
-i am not a dwts person but i am a bit curious…we will see.
thanks for the big hug!:)
I would never let my 12 year old get a bikini wax, fake nails, or even wear make up yet, but I do get her eyebrows waxed. The poor kid is so hairy and it’s nice to have 2 when middle school girls can be pretty cruel.
I live in the Vancouver area and it’s vile that the woman chose to throw in race when making up a fake suspect. The whole thing was such a waste of resources for our community.
That girl is more groomed than I am too.
Maybe, MAYBE an eyebrow wax as a teen. It is frivolous and not something I would pay for, but if my daughter was 16 and wanted to spend her own money doing that I might consider it (mostly because I have never even tweezed mine and have no idea how to do anything to an eyebrow).
A bikini wax-NO WAY! That is highly inappropriate for a child. If a 12 year old has thick leg hair and wants to shave, I think that is a case by case decision, but a bikini wax is a definite no.
I agree!!!
You know, I read this kinds of blog posts by well-thought women, and I wonder where in the world are the mothers of these kids doing these crazy things? I have yet to read one where the author is saying, “So, I took my 12-yr-old daughter for a bikini wax when we had our mani-pedi mom/daughter date last week…” On the one hand, thank goodness, because I don’t think I could hold back. Thanks for that post! Stumbled you from Liz’s BlogFrog!