You see this face?
He looks so sweet right?? Looks almost angelic right????
Hell no.
Everyone told me that two was bad, but just wait until 3.
Well, like everything else, Pookah reached this milestone early, and I wish to God he hadn’t.
I spend my days saying no, putting this little boy in timeout, talking to him firmly, yelling, screeching, talking calmly…. you name it, I do it.
I can feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about it!
It’s like we are in a constant battle: him vs me; him vs us; him vs everyone.
He is just so strong willed and stubborn.
Just like me.
He wants to have the last word.
Just like me.
He wants to have his way
Do you see the problem?
The boy may be his father’s clone, but in thoughts and actions, he is JUST LIKE ME.
It isn’t good when two strong willed folks get in a battle.
Yeah, I know, he’s only 2 1/2. But still! Must it be such a battle everyday? The temper tantrums, the “NO”, the spitting, the hitting, the shouting, the stomping his feet, saying “I’m Mad!”( yes, he said that to me).
I’m tired. and I see how parents end up with unruly, undisciplined children who just run all over them.
We had planned on going to see the fireworks last night, but after a long day full of temper tantrums, short naps, showing off in public, screaming, crying, etc etc, I was soooo done.
And since I’m the de facto disciplinarian around here, it all seems to fall on me.
I actually heard that man( CDub) tell Pookah, “I’m gonna tell your Mommy if you don’t act right.”
Da hell?????
Is anyone else experiencing a stubborn/unruly toddler or is it just me???
Please say it’s not just me…..PLEASE!!!
I know that this too shall pass, and I’m trying really hard to be patient, but then, patience was never a virtue that I had. I want him to behave NOW!
Or at least half of the time.
Friday 31st of August 2012
Totally not just you! I have a two and a half year old girl who is currently roaring at me like a dinosaur and now trying to climb in the exercauser with her baby sister.... oh wait the dinosaur is back!!! LOL. Love your blog... adding it to my list! Happy SITS day!
Tuesday 10th of July 2012
I always hear that unruly toddlers turn into well behaved adults. Could be a total lie! LOL! It will get better!
Tuesday 10th of July 2012
Geez, you all are scaring me! My daughter is 19 months and we're definitely seeing the "shift" happen. She'll be two in December and I'm bracing myself. The book I plan to read is the "Happiest Toddler on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. His book, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" changed my life when she was a newborn! Good luck with everything. Hopefully he'll be out of this stage soon.
Monday 9th of July 2012
this right here? IS MY LIFE! Mine is the *exact* same way!!! Everything, the spitting, the talking back, the STRONG WILL and just wait until the language and the senses develop more. Just yesterday I was telling the 3 year old to stop pointing at me and telling ME what to do! I am there, we will unite and these boys WILL NOT WIN.
Cam - Bibs & Baubles
Sunday 8th of July 2012
SO THERE!!!! It's like Pookah and my little man could be twins. It's horrible. I wish I had some secret to make all of this pass a little faster but girl, know that I am in the struggle with you!!!!!!!