My Life


It amazes me sometimes when I sit back and look at my life.

Despite my complaints and wishes and regrets, it’s a good life.

I have my health.

I have a husband who adores me. AND he is a BMW(black man working for those who didn’t know).

My Honey

I have a beautiful son that amuses and fascinates me and makes me love him more everyday.

I have a roof over my head. It’s a beautiful roof too.  I complain about it, but as a young adult, even in my wildest dreams, I wouldn’t have imagined living in MY house. (Sorry, no photo!  Surprisingly, I have NO photos of the actual outside of my house, and no plans on taking any for internet viewing ;-)……)

I have a job.  A good job. Yes I work at night.  Yes I work every weekend.  But really, what other job allows you to work only 3 times a week? And still make GOOD money?

I have friends.  In real life and in bloggy/twitter land. 🙂

So, even though my house isn’t as clean/organized as I would like: I have a house.

Even though my hubby doesn’t like to clean up after himself and wants sex all.the.time.:The father of my children lives with me, is really a primary caretaker of his son on three nights and one day a week and really….the sex is damn good…when I actually get around to it.

Even though I hate the long hours and I hate working at night: I have a job.

Even though Pookah is allergic to wheat, hardheaded and is always into SOMETHING: he is basically healthy( most of the time) and is a joy to be around.  And he is here after a year of trying and a miscarriage.  I am greatful everyday.

I guess this post is to point out that even though I complain, and I moan and groan and wish for better things, what I’ve got is good.  And I need to stop sometimes and be greatful for that.





  1. Amen! I had that epiphany yesterday.. instead of moaning about where I want to be, I have to celebrate the journey and the place that I’m in currently because its a great life..

  2. This post serves to remind us that no matter what, we should be appreciative of everything we have. I love how you inserted photos to accompany your sentiments. Great pictures! 🙂

  3. This.

    My pastor spoke on this a few weeks ago “We may have bills, but hey, we can pay them.” There are so many things in life that can go wrong, it’s such a blessing to appreciated everything that goes right – the big and small…

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