My weekend and why I hate Flu Vaccines and Stuff

I was off this weekend.  The WHOLE weekend. It’s nice.  But I’m finding that even though I love my weekends off, I really don’t like it that my three nights a week are all crammed into 4 days.  Mon-Thursday.  Because if I don’t have Friday off, some of the weekend is gone from me sleeping it away.


But anyway, it was a good weekend. Despite the fact that Pookah got his flu shot and a vaccine  on Friday and woke up Saturday morning with a fever.  I kind of expected that due to the vaccine. But by Saturday night, I knew he was going down.  Sunday morning he woke up with a low grade fever that he kept all day and a cough.  I hate the cough the most because I just spent the last 3 weeks with one.  So I KNOW how he feels. But being the resilient little guy that he is, he just kept it moving.  But I’m totally blaming the flu shot here. Especially since I debated practically up until the last minute whether or not to let him have it.

In other news, C-Dub and I had a discussion about *GASP* the next baby….

I’ll tell you a secret: I’ve got baby fever.  I’ve been fighting it. HARD.  But every time I go to work, there’s a newborn that I’ve got to hold, fiddle with, teach a mama how to feed etc.  It’s so IN MY FACE!  But I will continue to fight this urge for the rest of the winter, spring, summer.  I’ll revisit it in the fall….maybe…C-Dub didn’t actually seem to horrified at the idea like usual, so I think it’s a go… the fall…maybe….we’ll see….

Another secret:

I joined weight watchers for the 5011th time.  I haven’t felt hungry at all, stayed within my points and lost 3 pounds. *cue angels singing* Hallelujah!

I’ve been trying to run again.  But my knees are failing me. Especially my left.  But lucky for me, I work with a track coach and a die hard Black Girls Run member who both gave me a few pointers and pointed me in a new direction.  Number 1: I need to change my shoes( I JUST bought them! *cries*).

Well. That’s all that’s going so far this week! How was everyone’s weekend??



  1. Oooooooooo, baby fever! Come on, join the club of exhausted moms with a toddlers and newborns. Hahaha. Just kidding. It’s really sweet. Tough in the beginning, but it does get better and better (or, so I’m told) with time. 🙂

    And, good for you for joining Weight Watchers. It’s always nice to see the scale cooperating with our weightloss goals.

  2. Yes make sure he is out of diapers first. It’s nice to plan to have a baby I wish I had did that *sigh*. I don’t think we are having any more babies over here at all I have one of each that’s enough. Hope the baby woke up better today.

    1. The plan is to have him potty trained, sleeping in his room all night, by himself. BEFORE I truly start trying!!

  3. Girl are you sure you want to enter the land where you have two toddlers??? It’s hectic over here! I am DONE.dunzo. through with trying to have another baby! 3 is enough! Yeah for trying to run but shoes are so crucial in having the right form! Let me know if you need some help!

    1. Yeah I’m crazy! The running shoes:I wish I had known! I’ll be on the lookout for my new pair this week. Might take a field trip to Big Peach Running COmpany

  4. I had a hard time getting started with running. My knees and shins were killing me. My boss gave me some of her glutamine. I don’t know much about it, but I drink it an hour before running and have no pains before or after.

    Also, you may want to look into Omega Sports or TrySports. Or something similiar in your area. They have a tredmill where you can run in various shoes. They will video how you run and get the best shoe for your foot!


    1. I have the pills for the glutamine. And they did say I need a recovery drink after I run too. PLUS, they loved pointing out that I’m getting old! *curses!*

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