New Adventures….

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I’ve discovered something.

My new backyard is the perfect playground.

For me and for Pookah.

Let me explain: our old yard, while big, wasn’t fenced in, and only included an endless stretch of green grass surrounded by other houses.  But our new yard…….



It’s full of trees and dirt and hills and stumps to sit on…..


It’s an endless playground for the both of us.

letters to our sons




  1. I see a lot of fun times and pictures. Thsnk goodness for a fence, my girls loved the backyard of our house when they were young. I would just let them have a good time while I sat on the deck chillin.

  2. What a fun backyard! Reminds me of mine from my childhood in Ohio. I could spend hours back there. *Almost* makes me want to live NYC for the suburbs so my daughter can experience the same thing . . .

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