Nurture Photography:Autumn Challenge
Today I am participating in the Nuture Photography Autumn challenge being put on by Kristi over at Live and Love Out Loud and Rebecca at Bumbles and Light. I love challenges, and as I said in the beginning of the week, I’m trying new things with my photography so that I keep learning around here.
The first prompt of the challenge is Green/journey.
Atlanta doesn’t really have four seasons. Fall is a perfect example. Yes, the mornings are cool. And you can almost be tricked into thinking that fall is here…until that afternoon 80 degree sun hits you!
So even though it is fall and October at that, I’m still waiting for the changing of the leaves, the cool sunny days. It doesn’t seem right that it’s so green and we are planning a trip to the pumpkin patch. I can’t wear my boots and leather jackets when the temp is going to be over 75 in the afternoon.
So I wait patiently for fall to officially arrive in Atlanta. So Pookah and I can play in the fallen leaves, visit the pumpkin patch, and talk about the show that the trees put on.
Aw, how I yearn for 80 degrees… I live in New York City and it is already cooling down. Actually, it has been raining for days, but it finally stopped today!
I love your green picture. It makes me want to find a swing and fly through the air, too
Awww they love that swing. Mines don’t like the baby one smh she wants to go on the big swings
Very cute shot. Love the challenge of catching a decent shot while they’re in the swing.
It’s fall here, nice and cool and pretty leaves.
Great shot! We’re even further south, so 75 degrees sounds lovely
What a cutie – Love the shot!
What a little cutie! Love how he’s “flying” <3 As for the different seasons…I wouldn't mind so much, if we at least at decent summers, but I don't think we had temps reaching 75-80 all summer, never mind this fall!
Perfect timing on this shot- fabulous composition.
I am so living in the wrong country. I hate the cold…. I think Atlanta would suit me very well.
Such a sweet shot. Great capture of childhood.
Thanks so much for joining Rebecca and me in the Nurture Photography Challenge. Friday’s theme will be yellow/light. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!