OB flyby……..
This week in Rose’s Daughter’s quest for deliverance……….
How far along? 37 weeks 5 days.
Total weight gain? 35 pounds. Yes. 35!!!
Maternity clothes? I only have a few left that fit. As I’ve said before, I refuse to spend anymore money on them.
Stretch marks? NO!!! Cocoa Butter is my friend………………
Sleep: What ever. Even though I did sleep pretty good last night.
Best moment this week : More gift cards from C-Dub’s job. Don’t know what I’ll use them for, but I’m sure $100 in gift cards from Babies R Us will come in handy. Ideas anyone?
Movement : Yes, yes. He doesn’t seem to realize that he’s running out of room.
Food cravings : I think I’ve indulged in them all.
Labor Signs: Contractions, contractions and more contractions. But no baby.
Belly Button in or out? It’s kind of flat. Weird.
What I miss: Not waddling
What I am looking forward to : The Birth of this baby.
Milestones: 37 weeks.( Term pregnancy)
So. I went to my Midwife today for my weekly fly by. I got my prenatal records to take with me to the hospital “just in case”. So they asked me if I wanted to be checked.
So, Peggy( the midwife) looks at my belly and proclaims, “that’s a good-sized baby in there.”
REALLY?( Ummmmm yes, that was sarcasm)
But as always, I measure right on target at 38 cm.
As she is feeling around…..”Wow, feel that contraction!”
Heartbeat: Nice and strong… 140s.
And now……..
Ok. Now, I’ve had vaginal exams before. They have never really been uncomfortable enough to complain about. I always shake my head at my patients when they scream out during an exam thinking, :what the hell?
But today……
I didn’t scream, but I thought screaming thoughts in my head.
I am 1 cm dilated! Soft(very soft she said.) and the head is at a minus 2 station.
So all and all, it means those contractions are doing something!!
Now, I just need them to continue to do something and deliver me soon.
REALLY soon.
Baby Dub is coming soon – YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!! 🙂
and ouch at minus 2 station…..*crossing my legs*
Yay! Won’t be long, now!