The One Where My Baby Turned Four

Today, is my Pookah Bear Baby’s Birthday.

He is now four.

I remember the day he was born like yesterday. My water broke in Ross and I grabbed a towel off the shelf and walked up to the cash register to pay for it.  I  came home, cleaned up, cleaned the house, waited for my parents and brother to get there, ATE my Popeye’s chicken and then headed to the hospital( 6 hours later).  It was the night before Thanksgiving. Pookah didn’t want to come out and with a mother’s and a Labor and Delivery Nurse’s intuition, I knew that he wasn’t going to come out in the conventional way. What I didn’t expect was for it to be an all out emergency, running down the hall STAT delivery. My goodness!

He was so precious. And I was in love at first cry.

Now, four years later I am still in love with my precious baby.  His belly laugh, his dimple in the left cheek, his obsession with monster trucks and cars.  His  absolute love of pepperoni pizza, his obsession with cheese, and his willingness to cuddle with me at anytime.


Where did the time go?

So today, Happy Birthday to my Pookah Bear Baby. I can’t wait to see the adventures of your fourth year.

happy birthday pookah



  1. Precious memories – they fly by so quickly. Soak up each moment, hug and kiss. Soon those chubby cheeks and slender arms take on the physique of a man – and your hugs for that baby boy have to change….

  2. Happy birthday to the one who will always be your “baby,” even when he’s 40! 😉 Your story about your water breaking made me laugh out loud; I surely hope they allowed you to bypass the line when you paid for that towel! LOL

  3. Happy Birthday Pookah! We share a birthday, I love this day… Granted I didn’t when I was younger because I always shared it with Thanksgiving 🙂

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