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Pookah update.

Today was Pookah’s follow up appointment for his ear infection. 

I had a list of things to talk about.

First off, his ears are all clear!

But, I mentioned that every time I gave Pookah the amoxicillin, he itched. No rash, just itching.   Just as I thought, he might be developing an allergy to penicillin.  We’ll have to watch that.

I did mention our food problem.  And her advice was just like everyone elses’.  Maybe he wants to be independent.  She thinks that what is happening is that when he tries to take the spoon away from me, he is trying to do it himself.  So when I don’t let him do it, he refuses the food as a way of getting his way.

Wow.  My child is willful already.

So, her suggestion was to start letting him feed himself with table food and finger foods.


That opens up a whole new can of worms because now, I have to go shopping for good clean organic fruits and veggies to feed him.  Because there is no way he is getting this pesticide ridden stuff that’s at my local Publix.   Sigh.  Mo’ money mo money mo money…..

But Mrs Jones sent me a great article about babies refusing to eat, and on the website there was an interesting section about Baby led weaning.  Did anyone do that?

And I let him have his third Hepitits B shot today.  He cried briefly, mainly I think, from the indignity of it instead of the pain.

So anyway, at least I have a plan.  I had sort of started this morning with the finger feeding.  He ate a piece of banana and some of my oatmeal after giving up on his own.  So here we go, operation “Get Pookah to Eat Real Food by Himself.”

I’m kind of excited!


Friday 10th of September 2010

hahaha! i am laughin at Pookah crying for the indignity of it...the little man has some pride :)

you may have to try mega bucks whole food for some really good fruit and veggies for him.


Thursday 9th of September 2010

We give the preshus table foods to eat on his own, but he tends to loose interest in feeding himself before he's full after he discovers it's more fun to play with it! We still feed him full meals of pureed and mashed foods, both jarred baby foods and table foods. And we always give him a taste of whatever we're eating if he wants it.