Random Monday

It’s Monday, my brain is sooo full of STUFF. So it’s going to be so random today because I’m so scattered.

    • We’ve officially finished moving. All of our stuff is either in what I call the dump room, at goodwill, or at the dump.  I gave up on being organized.
    • The renter for our old house will move in on Friday. Hallelujah for rent money/not having to pay two mortgages.
    • I interviewed for a job last week. It’s at a insurance company working with pregnant women. I would work Monday through Friday  no weekends, no holidays no nights, no call. 3 days a week, I would work until 8, but not go in until 11.  The other two days, I would get off at 430.  The pay would be more than I make now. I would take the train. I would sit on my ass all day. #heaven
    • I’m on my third application with them. I’ve heard that that means I’m almost in. #fingerscrossed.
    • I’m praying folks. Because your girl is tired. So tired. I want to see my child more than 30 minutes a day when I work.
    • I went to Imaging USA( photography conference) last weekend here in Atlanta. It was so cool!!! I only had an expo pass that I got for free, but I loved every minute of it. I got to hold my next camera( Canon EOS 6D )
      and check out a few lenses that I wanted and now KNOW I want.  I got to meet some of the cool ladies from Clickin Moms.
    • That Monday, inauguration day, I got to go and hang out at a Clickin Moms private launch  party for their magazine Click. I got to meet a few of the woman who inspire me so much on the forums and the blog everyday and I managed not to look like a Stan. And they had cake pops. Red velvet cake pops… #nom
    • My friend had a baby on Thursday morning. Her third boy. He is so tiny, and squishy, and cute and he smelled so good…..I had to give him back quickly…… #repressedbabyfever
    • CDub still won’t pose for me without much much pleading, rationalizing and twerking on my part. SMH. And this is STILL what I get…..

IMG_3627 copy

  • Pookah and I hung out all day on Sunday because by then, C-Dub stated he needed a break from us( DUDE for real?) and time to himself( read, he needed to go play golf).  But that’s OK. Pookah and I had a field trip to Target. And spent his money on lots of socks and superhero underwear.

So that’s that. February is starting this week, and I am looking forward to change. And stability. And unpacking.





  1. Fingers toes crossed and prayers that you get this position girl! It sounds fantastic, just to get to spend more time with pookah is awesome!

    Yay, I’m happy you got someone to rent your only space, we have a tenant as well and when we don’t have one, we miss it!!

    Lol at club wanting me time, sometimes you just gotta let them have their moment. My husband went to a concert with his boys on Saturday night and I was like whatever dude lol

  2. LOL twerking for pictures??!! Lol YAY for the new job, I’ll claim it for you, and being all moved in.

  3. I totally understand what I call wanting a “normal” job with “normal” hours! Once you get you’ll find yourself sitting at home on a random holiday with a huge smile on your face. Good luck!
    Love the field trip to Target!

  4. My hubs would love to take pictures he actually asked to be in the magazine but I don’t like him like that but I might give him a chance for the April issue. Fingers and toes are crossed for the job and it’s time to get back to picture taking I will email you within the week for the mag

  5. Lady, I am very excited for you!! Excited that you’re moved in, excited that you have a wonderful job opportunity, just plain excited.

    It sounds like things are starting to come together, so I’ll keep praying (especially about the job opp, because every mom deserves to spend time with their baby.)


  6. yes, I hope you get the job!
    the conference sounds awesome! I will have to check out Click!
    and enjoy your new place and being settled. I have moved so much…I know about that life!
    have a good week!

  7. I don’t know what it is, but seriously, my husband is the same way. He simply will not pose for me so that I can get his picture. I have taken some, but who knows if he’s going to allow me to post them.

    Also, I am going to keep my fingers crossed for you regarding the job. It would be right up your ally and just what you need.

    Glad to hear that the unpacking is mostly done. Yay for good will 🙂 (I’m the same way when it comes to moving)

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