Random News

Unswaddle Pookah  didn’t go well.  At all.  I gave up after the Pookah lost his mind during the first attempt. 

But of course, in the last few days, his sleep pattern has gone to the birds.  Waking up 3 to 4 times a night instead of once or twice.  WTH?

I do want to try to unswaddle him again.  But I think I’ll wait until the week my mother comes back.  At least then, I’ll have help when he doesn’t sleep.

My financial fast is….going.  I haven’t cheated again.  Except yesterday.  We ate out and I paid for it.  But we needed dinner, and i was too exhausted from working the night before to provide it.  Hmmmm

I did go grocery shopping and spent more than I ever have in preparation for not eating out like we used to.  We have a whole sale store here called BJ’s.  Sort of like Sam’s but it’s local.  I got a LOT of meat.  That should last us for the next month and a half at LEAST.  I got all essentials too.  So we will see.

Pookah’s eczema is really getting bad.  He’s been waking himself up scratching.  I’m glad he is going to the doctor on Tuesday, I have LOTS of questions.  LOTS.

The Fenugreek is working.  It took 4 full days of taking it for it to work.  It works best for me if I take 8 pills a day.  That’s 2 pills 4 times a day.  I really smell like maple syrup. But I noticed a greater pumping output and my breasts seem to be full all of the time.  Not engorged like I used to be, but there is always something there now.  That is a definite change.  And Pookah is taking full advantage of this too.  I thought his 6 month growth spurt was over.  Guess not.

Well, that’s all for now.  Just a random post about random stuff.


  1. Mine started kicking out of the swaddle at 8 weeks old, so we gave up! Now he pulls the blanket over his face when he sleeps. This scares Mommy, who has to check on him like 3 times every hour, but she’s afraid he’ll get cold too. *sigh* I’m so a first-timer. He’s breathing, but is he breathing enough? He’s had tummy time, but was it enough? You know. I’m gonna get the Helicopter award for sure.

  2. Izzy went nuts for the first and 2nd attempts, but she took a GREAT nap today. We actually had to go wake her up so that she could have some time awake before bed time. I think maybe the initial shock of it had to wear off?

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