Random Tuesday: Fall Edition

So this weeks randomness has a theme! FALL! In celebration of the unofficial end of summer, here goes…..

  1. You know it’s Fall when you go outside in the morning, and there is that smell.  That:Fall is coming smell
  2. Fall still means back to school even if I’m not in school.  I love to see the school buses ramble by and to see the kids waiting on the corner for the bus.
  3. I cannot WAIT to decorate this year!  I mean oranges, browns, leaves, pumpkins, wreaths! I can’t wait.  I’ve seen some things online and at Ross.  I’m trying not to go overboard.
  4. The air is cooler in the morning! Soon it will be time for boots, jeans, leather jackets and thick comfy sweaters.
  5. Speaking of the air getting cooler, I can’t wait to start cooking up all of these soup recipes I’ve found over the summer.
  6. Football.  Now really, I hate football. But it means Fall to me.
  7. Pumpkins and Apples.  Yes, we will be going pumpkin and apple picking with Pookah!  And I’ve got my trusty camera to document it all!
  8. The smell of those wonderful apple pies that I am going to try to make from scratch this year.  Yes.  I will make a homemade gluten/wheat  free apple pie for my baby.
  9. Leaves changing. All of the pretty colors! I can’t wait to point them out to Pookah!
  10. Candy corn.  I’m not really into Halloween, but I LOOOOOOOVE Candy corn.  I have an addiction.
So these are my favorite things about fall.  What are yours? SHARE!!!


    1. I live in cali. So the boots and sweaters don’t really apply unless we want them to lol.

      I do love fall because jas bday. My bday is usually on or around thanksgiving( happy birthday to me and my baby bday buddy pookah! Lol) . I truly love that time of year.

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