Random Tuesdays

Hello! After a hiatus, Random Tuesdays are back!

  1. Since I forgot/was sick last week, the Grammys: CEELO GREEN OMG what in the hell did he have on????  Is Christina Aguilera pregnant, or just fat?  Was Bob Dylan singing about hanging folks? What is Mick Jagger on and where can I get some? And The Bruno Mars, BOB and Jeanelle Monoe performance was the best of the night!
  2. Real Housewives of Atlanta. LAWD
  3. I’m so tired of this catheter I could scream…One more day…..
  4. The cleaning service came yesterday and I am in heaven.  My house hasn’t been this clean since I moved in! OMG Not only did they clean, they organized too! WOW.
  5. I have to go the the in-laws this weekend.  I.AM.SO.EXCITED.  (can you just feel the sarcasm oozing out of that statement?)
  6. I saw Allen Iverson at the Cheesecake Factory on Saturday night.  Tell me, why does this grown ass man still have cornrows in his head?????
  7. My Mama is gone back to her house. 🙁
  8. I just read my first Jodi Picoult book, My Sister’s Keeper.  All I can say is WOW and where are the rest of her books!?
  9. Pookah has lost his damn mind.  But I guess you noticed that from the last post huh?

Well that’s all for now folks! See you next week!


  1. 1. I noticed Christina was a little thicker too. Eh – she’s going through a divorce now so I’m sure she’s having some emotional issues. Plus she’s super tiny and 10lbs gained can look like so much more when you are 5 feet tall.

    3. I cannot imagine. I only ever had one when I had my epidural during labor and I thought it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. I didn’t even feel 100% relief once I got the drugs because that thing bothered me so much.

    8. I discovered JP late in life but I’ve listened to nearly all of her books on tape. She does a book a year so you have a lot to catch up on! I recommend Nineteen Minutes, The Pact, Plain Truth and Handle With Care as well. I thought Vanishing Acts and The Tenth Circle were terrible.

    If you watch My Sister’s Keeper the movie prepare yourself for a completely different ending – it is a real tearjerker though.

  2. Yea Christina did look a little plumper than I remembered. Cee-Lo!!! lol I can’t even… I used to see AI in Fridays a lot in Philly just sitting at the bar with a LOAD of henchmen. Hope you’re feeling better!

  3. Still have both of the RHOA reunion shows on the DVR. Can’t wait for the hilarity!
    I’m interviewing cleaning people this weekend and I look forward to sharing a post like yours!
    He STILL has corn rows??? He’s like 35. Let it go AI, let it go!
    My Sister’s Keeper is the only Jodi P book that I’ve read, but I loved it. Thanks for reminding me about her.
    Patience and calm vibes so you and Pookah don’t hurt one another. =)

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