Random Tuesdays

So sorry that Random Tuesdays was missing last week.  I had issues!


  • I start  bootcamp this morning.
  • Pookah had a cold this weekend. Poor baby.
  • I spent entriely too much money of two pair of 6 1/2 wide shoes for a 16 month old.  Shoes that he will grow out of in 3 months.  #justsayin.
  • I can officially have nooky again.  Let the swinging from the chadealiers begin.
  • I’m missing a Real Housewives that I like.  Miami is…….not doing it for me.
  • Does anyone besides me watch Castle?  when are those two going to just DO IT!?
  • My birthday is in 9 days.  I’m going to be 35.
  • Isn’t that half way to 40?????
  • I watched a show on TLC called Strange Sex.  That episode was all about a guy who wanted to grow back his foreskin…….WTH??????
  • I got my toes did yesterday. Finally.  It was getting a bit rough.
  • I want my new camera NOW.  I think I’m going to go with the Nikon 3100….Unless I find the Canon Rebel on sale…

That’s all for this week!!!!


  1. Poor sick little boo boo.

    The most I’ve ever spent on shoes for jas is 27 bucks. That was for some high top nikes she learned to walk in when she was 10 months old. Funny thing is, she can still fit them ( small feet like her mama) she still wears a size 3

    #sexytime is awesome!

    Yay for getting older! I love it.

    I watched some of that TLC show and kept telling my sister, “why would any man wanna grow a hoodie over his peen? Its gonna look like an ant eater!” Then whenever he would say foreskin I would yell ANT EATER!

    I want a snazzy camera too. I just don’t know what kind 🙁

  2. Why no comment on bootcamp? LOL
    And I still want an ipad. I’ve put it out there and hope that the universe heard me!

  3. Good luck with bootcamp!
    Get it get it re: nooky! LOL!
    I’ve seen “Strange Sex” on the preview guide, but not taken the time to check it out. Wow. I guess maybe I should. Folks are absolutely crazy!

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