- My new routine adding Pookah went better than expected last week. I can get him up, dressed, fed and out the door in 30 minutes. The trick is to get everything ready the night before and to just steam roll Pookah. No choices. Just do.as.I.say.
- I’ve fallen off of the 365 wagon. But I’m back on. Just lost a week. Kind of. If you don’t count my instagram photos.
- I got on the scale at work( the nutritionist sits next to my cubicle and has a scale). I was traumatized. So I decided to go on weight watchers. The first day…..I was done with my points by lunch. WHAAAA?? By the end of the week, I still didn’t have it together. But I will plan better and try again this week.
- I also talked to CDub and I need to find a way to incorporate exercise into my routine somehow. I was used to exercising on my day off. But now…no day off. And there is no gym close to us. But there is one that is right across from the job. I might have to start going there after work. Because baby, that scale……I’m traumatized.
- The final Twilight movie went on sale this weekend, and I got it. Now, if I can only find time to watch it….
- I got an extra paycheck that I wasn’t expecting. #win
- I am going to buy a new Lens this week. I’m pretty excited!
- Blogalicious is coming to ATLANTA!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited! NO travel! And thankfully, this year, it is the weekend AFTER Cdub’s birthday. Cause he’s going to be alone with his boy that weekend…..
- My mother has informed me that she is coming to my new house this month. This is a problem. All of my guest bedrooms are still being used as dump rooms. I move something out everyday, but it’s been sloooow.
- I need a new church home.
- Marriage is……hard…..really hard…he better be glad I love him….
- 3 year old’s are possessed by the “NO”, and “I don’t wanna demon”.
- Where is Spring?
Co sign on the marriage is hard, there must be something in the air
Yep my three year old does the same especially around nap time.
I’m still working it out with weight watchers.
Can’t wait to see you in Atlanta 🙂
Girl I saw the scale and I have not gained anything so I am good I have not lost and I have not gained oh well. Marriage girl at this point he is a dude that lives with me and takes up my bed space. Spring where are you……
i still need to get my morning routine down with Jas. Her school opens at 730 and we always leave the house after that. We have to do better.
I’ve been losing weight without trying. All of my pants are baggy in the ass area and i don’t like it.
Kita, you make me not want to get married lol. I don’t want a roommate, just a mate. Marriage is a task I think im up for though. We’ll see.
Good luck with Weight Watchers. I’m not doing the program, but I’m working out at least 5 times a week and counting calories. It’s tough, but necessary.
Marriage is indeed constant work.
Two year olds are possessed by the same “no” demon.
Come on Spring! I’m beyond ready.
Yeah, marriage is no joke. Had a stressful weekend. I’m excited about Blogalicious too!
You really do live in my head! I can think of at least 4 things on this list that apply to me! So here’s my 2 cents:
– Definitely go the gym right after work and before you head home if you can. Because once you get home it’s easier to talk yourself out of it.
– The trick with WW is planning and milking those zero points foods.
– Marriage….agreed!
– Spring is really trippin!
– And, I can totally use an extra paycheck!
Have a great week!
Give it up for the extra paycheck!!!! Woot woot!
Marriage is hard. No diggity!
Three year olds are hard too. I’ve heard it gets better at 5. Womp.
I love your randoms.
Good luck with WW. I hear you get used to the points thing really quickly. You’ll do great!
I’m trying to make money work out for Blogalicious. I hope I can make it. I’m even thinking of…*GASP* leaving Roey with his dad / my mama. *FAINTS*
Girl, marriage IS hard…and I was ready to cut and run! J/k (not j/k)…you know what helps…lots of sex. *blushes* Nah..but for real. Sex. Lots.
LOL….but you are right *blushes*
I’m a lifetime member of WW. But I refuse to go back because I’m not at all interested in paying them to tell me I’m two pounds over my max. No thanks!
And get the idea out of your head that you need a gym to work out. Get a Wii or find some at home exercises like jumping rope, to get that cardio in right in your living room!
I’ll make the obligatory co-sign that marriage can be difficult. It’s hard, but it’s also beautiful. Just depends on how you look at it. 😉
I have a wii. Just have to find it.
And if it wasn’t cold outside, I would be exploring my new neighborhood while running!
I don’t think I’m cut out for weight watchers. They changed the point system since I was last on it.
And marriage IS beautiful! AND hard! AT THE SAME damn time!!!( sorry couldn’t help myself!)