
 My mind is busy, so busy. So…….

  • CDub has left me and the boy alone all weekend long.  I have big plans for the weekend, including a visit to the Pumpkin Patch, a visit to a pizza polar that makes gluten-free pizza, maybe a visit to the park on Sunday. Keep us busy is the plan…..
  • Did you see Scandal last night??? That exchange between Liv and Huck has me feeling some kind of way…


  • I feel like I’m in a photography rut.  That sounds kind of weird seeming that I shoot all the time, but really, I feel like I need some inspiration.  I need to be inspired.  Sounds so pretentious doesn’t it? But it’s true.  I feel like I don’t take photos of anything new, in any new way. I know the key is to just keep shooting and keep learning. I’m trying to make the commitment to shoot everyday.  And not call it a 365. Because for some reason, that makes it intimidating.
  • I am however, inspired by Blogalicious last weekend. I just really can’t wrap my head around all of the information and the ideas and the thoughts that I have. I really will have a post up next week about some of the most important things I learned.
  • I’ve got an article over at KoKoa Magazine about living with food allergies. Check it out!
  • Speaking of Pookah, he  is having a few behavior issues at school.   Nothing big.  But he’s a ham.  He always seems to end up getting in trouble at home and at school because he’s NOT listening. Sigh.  I know it’s normal and I know he must learn but still….
  • I have a confession:  I don’t like Pumpkin Spice Latte’s.  There I said it. #dontsendthelynchmob
  • I do however love Salted Caramel Mocha’s.  They are awesome and fall to me.
  • We are planning our trips for next year.  CDub wants to go to San Francisco.  I just want to go to New Orleans and somebody’s beach.  PLUS, Disney is back on the table due to Pookah’s birthday. Makes me wish I had kept my second job.
  • You remember that I’m on a diet? Yeah so I’ve lost 8 pounds so far.  But didn’t lose any last week. That may be because of that bacon covered donut and other things that crossed my lips during Blogalicious last weekend.  It’s been 5 weeks so far. If I could just fit in more exercise,  I know I could do so much better.  But fitting in exercise on the regular is hard.  But I soldier on.
  • I finally figured out how to verify my Pinterest and Google+ pages.  Geez.
  • I need a new purse/bag.  Something designer.  I deserve it.

I think that’s all.

What’s random in your world?



  1. Food allergies; seems that I’m allergic to everything. I getting better with finding acceptable food. I’ll probably never be able to eat fish or nuts though.

    How about a photography calendar? Plug in random items on a calendar and only shoot those things for 30 days.

  2. Girl, I saw Scandal last night, and I was at the edge of the bed!!! The Huck / Olivia exchange at the end had me feeling just wrong. I don’t like Quinn anymore, and I was cheering when Jake was released. I always liked him as an actor.

  3. Yeah, I can live without the pumpkin lattes, but I’m making a pumpkin cheesecake tonight and that is good stuff!
    Scandal… I was not ready for that Huck/Liv exchange. It rocked my gladiator world. I need for that to never happen again.
    I’m just itching to go back to Cali for another vacation. We should take a cue from you guys and start talking about trip possibilities.
    Congrats on your weight loss! I haven’t worked out since I ran that 5k last month. That has to change immediately.

  4. I’m not a big fan of most things pumpkin. It’s just not my thing.

    Tell my sil to get it together! Lol Jas has become a leader at school. I love her new big girl attitude.

    Scandal was good. I like huck, he’s still my fave. I’m still very over liv and fitz tho. Just ugh.

  5. How do you verify google +? I need a crash course it took me a month to do pinterest. I got some inspiration for you for this holiday photo shoot you bout to take we gonna be holiday inspired up in here up in here. I am going on pinterest right now to get some ideas.

  6. ::sigh::

    ::calls off lynch mob::

    I think I like you sliiiightly less now that I know your distaste for pumpkin spice lattes.

    Can’t wait to hear your blogalicious thoughts.
    I’m super allergic to tree nuts – i carry my epipen everywhere. So scared that Rowboat will have bad allergies too 🙁 I’ll go check out your article.

    8 lbs in 5 weeks?! (1 of which you weren’t consistent?!) that’s AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL progress! Over a lb a week and you’re not even exercising. Good going girl!

    And yassss scandal…omg…i gasped and said OMG so loud john came hobbling into the room to “save” me…then got mad that it was just the tv show…like he didn’t know I was watching scandal….whatever.

    OK BYE

  7. You deserve the bag!! and don’t worry I don’t care for the Pumpkin Spice either, Hazelnut Macchiato please! I only really look forward to the Eggnog Latte (YUM!) Hope you guys stayed busy

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