Randoms on a Friday


  • Let me tell you something. I have never owned a pair of Uggs. For YEARS I have wanted a pair. But every year, I find something else to do with my money.  On Sunday, while I was out and about BY MYSELF for a few hours, I went to the mall.  I passed those Uggs three times in Dillards before I finally, finally gave in and got a pair.  Mannnn. WHY DIDN”T YOU GUYS TELL ME!!!! They are so warm, so comfy so CUTE! Christmas present #1 to myself.
  • My Daddy is finally getting out of rehab today. His stubborn butt was threatening to leave on Monday so I guess we should be grateful that they got him to stay for almost 3 weeks. But I’m glad he’ll be home for Christmas.
  • Speaking of Christmas, since my dad had the stroke, Christmas has been relocated to my parents house.  Which means I can’t get there until late Christmas Eve. Le Sigh.
  • Do you guys buy your self Christmas gifts?  As you know I do.  I usually buy just one, so my Uggs kind of qualify. But umm, I’ve been plotting on another one and my plotting and scheming has worked out!! I will update you all when I have the fruits of my labor in hand. Which should be later on today….
  • I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago, BlogHer featured my post : Holiday Gift Guide for The Photographer on their front page! Made me so giddy when I got that email.
  • Pookah had his Christmas program at school yesterday. THE CUTENESS folks!


  • So I shot this with my Canon Rebel. Geez. I had really forgotten how badly it handles low light. Sigh. I’ll let you know why I was shooting with it at such an important event later.
  • But it’s still a great backup camera for CDub and for when I…need it. This photo turned out pretty well…


  • I haven’t got anyone else any Christmas gifts.  How is your shopping going??
  • updated: One word: BEYONCE! Mannnn!! At Midnight the game CHANGED! I mean, she managed to record this album, make videos for EVERY LAST SONG and do a WORLD tour with Blue Ivy AT THE SAME DAMN TIME! In the words of my friend Tara: what is my life??? I need to redo every plan I had for 2014 because baby… I obviously need to aim higher. And no, I am not a Bey stan, but I must say, she DID that.  And I’ve listened to a few songs so far and will be listening all day.  And so far..ME LIKEY!
  • umm so that’s all. It’s Friday. Go download that album on iTunes( and by the way, her husband with android and her with iTunes?? I mean….me and Cdub need to get ourselves together….
  • Oh and Scandal last night. a few thoughts: Daddy Pope read Fitz up and down for filth, Why ain’t nobody killed Quinn yet?, Mama Pope is a G! Did you see her in the white coat IN FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE? Jake for command??? He just gone tell her he love her and LEAVE? I kind of Like Leo, and yes Cy, you are the devil.

Ok, that’s all. Thoughts?????




  1. Let me start with that read down OMG he read Fitz and Fitz like a “boy” got mad and had him fired. Don’t be talking bout my rebel like that lol I don’t know nothing bout no low light though since I shoot everything in the daytime. Yay for some uggs I have the look alike ones and they are still warm and comfy. I do not buy myself Christmas presents but I do buy myself birthday presents since it’s so close to Christmas I treat myself nice.

  2. Yes, the Rebel is awful in low light, from the person who had to use one at RJ’s Christmas program last night.
    Yes, I buy myself birthday and Christmas gifts. No one loves me more than me! LOL
    That was the “read” heard round the world! We’re going to get our Santa on tomorrow night while RJ is at a PJ party at school.
    Uggs, Yessss!! Nothing like ’em.
    Glad your dad will be home for Christmas.
    Beyonce!!! I think I’m a stan! Currently listening to the album as I type:)

  3. UGG’s – Love them! It took me a minute too to buy them, the price slowed me down, but it took my younger sister to convince me to buy them after talking to me like I was her child about my money, but I digress! They are the warmest, most comfortable and exude coziness upon my feet! By my Christmas Eve birthday I’ll be up to 3 pair! Also, check onlineshoes dot com, they’ve been running a VIP Sale for 30% off almost every other day.

  4. Yes, the low light thing…but I just got one of those attachable flash thingies–don’t ask me for no techical names (you are the pro here) but it makes my indoor night photos so much better now that it bounces the light off the top of the ceiling. SO cool. Yeah I am almost happy for the break because all of that was just too much! I am gonna download bey this weekend. I can’t wait. I also hope I have the space. 🙂

  5. Scandal–Papa Pope had Fitz so figured out. He had great lines and delivered them perfectly!

    Christmas shopping–as of last night, I’m almost done.

    BEYONCÉ — that album. All if it. My hat goes off to her! That’s a legacy right there.

  6. I’m glad your dad will be home for Christmas.

    I love the picture of Pookah. He is so photogenic. But the look on the little boy’s face next to him is awesome. 🙂

    Enjoy your Uggs. I have never had a pair. I did treat myself to some things from Coach on cyber monday.

  7. Look at all of those cute little scholars in class, 100% awesome.

    COUGH! I told you last year that Uggs were awesome. I bought a pair at Dillards during the holidays last year. Best purchase ever. I wore them with everything when I was in Paris…matching or not.

    I was almost bored with the finale. I wanted so much more but I guess it hit the nail. The best part of the entire show was definitely Daddy Pope’s monologue.

    I’m officially quitting Fitz and Jake…but there’s a hidden message in those relationships too.

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