Randoms on a Monday

Happy Cinco De Mayo! I’ve got a lot of thoughts that don’t make one big post so here we go…….

  • I’m fat. Or rather, I’m feeling fat. My eating habits have gotten out of control again and my favorite pants are too tight. Since I refuse to buy clothes a size bigger, its time for me to loose weight. I got on the scale and was DEVASTATED. It was bad. So bad. And no I’m not going to post the number. Nope.  I will say however that I started the 10 day green smoothie cleanse that everyone I know is on or is trying. I’m on day 6. It’s not as bad as I thought. I’m down 6 pounds( a pound a day) but my fear is: how long can this last? That’s where a new way eating comes in.
  • I also gave up coffee 6 days ago too. Not permanently ( ummm nooooo). But I started to feel like I was dependent on coffee. So I wanted to prove to myself that I could go 2 weeks without it. 6 days in and I am proud to say it’s been a lot easier than I thought after the first two days. I’ll go back to it of course. But not as hard as I was.
  • Pookah’s allergies are getting better.  I think the worst of it has passed. He went to the dr on Friday and got a new medicine for his eyes. It seems to be working. Hopefully the trees can calm down so my child can enjoy what’s left of the spring.
  • T-ball is hilarious. Some of these parents really think this is the major leagues!  But Saturday, we all discovered that Pookah is really good in the outfield. He caught two balls and got two folks out. AND he got a hit. Maaaaaan. The other team’s coaches kept saying, who is #8? We need him on our team. And the commissioner of the league was watching the game and he wants Pookah to be on his all star team. SMH I don’t know why I’m so surprised! #proudmama
  • I applied for a job and went on an interview last week back at the hospital. At another Labor and Delivery.  But after the interview, I realized that quality of life is worth more to me than only working 3 days a week and a bit more money.  Because bedside nursing is a lifestyle that I really have no desire to go back to. And it’s funny that it took me actually going on the interview and getting the job to realize that. Naw. Not now. I like lunch( maybe a little too much) and I like knowing I have the weekends and holidays off. So that is that.


That’s all the random thoughts I’ve got today. I’ll leave you with a not so random photo. I can’t ever walk past a sunflower in the store. It’s so hard. I usually pick up flowers all the time for my macro work. I have tons of photos that I never post. But I love sunflowers.


What’s going on in your world this week?


  1. Glad Pookah is feeling better and he is a star. Let me get his autograph now. Never drank coffee but I am dependent on tea for some reason. I fit into my skinny jeans the other day and didn’t have to suck in I felt good.

  2. Totally unrelated to this post, but do you sell any of your photographs?

    Related to this post:

    Go Pookah! That’s really awesome, you may have a future baseball star on your hands!

    You and Candace have me ready to go to the store and try a cleanse as well! i need to do SOMETHING.

    Good for you for not going through with the job if that’s not what would actually improve your life. What makes sense on paper doesn’t always work in practice!

  3. I’m with Kita, I need his autograph so I can say, “I knew him when!”
    My scale is totally going in the WRONG direction. So, it’s time to buckle down and start counting calories again. This weight issue is the only time I wish I was in my early 20’s again. I could eat without consequence.

  4. Pookah is awesome! Sounds fun! My little brother used to play tball but he was never into it lol Congrats on realizing what works for you. I’m pursuing nursing school and my mom is a nurse and I’ve worked on all different types of units and hospitals for the past 10 years, so I know all about floor nursing and it’s highly overrated these days. It can definitely wear on you and have you wanting to retire before you even get started lol You must work in a clinic? I would love that. Off holidays and weekends would be perfect! 🙂 Love the sunflower

  5. Good for knowing what you want…or don’t want as far as working goes.

    And I LOVE macro flowers too 🙂

  6. Congratulations to Pookah. I love watching t-ball and the little guys giving it their all. The moms…. oh just wait, they can be vicious. Has anyone run the wrong way yet? 🙂

    Congratulations to you on a few things; dedication to making your strength/will goals (coffee) as well as weight loss.

    I’m still on the weight loss mill too…

  7. A pound a day? Wow! I’ve never heard of that diet! Are your clothes fitting differently or is it water weight? I’m slowly getting fit with exercising and eating slightly better, but it’s tough.

  8. Look at Pookah! I need to get his signature now before he make it to the big leagues! Glad that his allergies are doing better. Hopefully he could enjoy the rest of spring.

    As for the job, it’s funny how it wasn’t until after you got the job that realized that you didn’t want to go back to that. I think it’s being so close to what you used to do, that you remembered why you stepped away.

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