Randoms on Friday
( Random Photo to start us off….)
- This week was….long.
- Pookah got sick again. Sigh. But just a cold. But I swear it about sent me over the edge. I just want him to be well damn it!!
- PMS is a son of a ……..
- Kim Kardashian and Kayne West had a baby girl. And I heard they named the baby NORTH WEST……..there are no words…..
- Paula Dean….has lost her damn mind. If you have been living under a rock and didn’t know about it, check out this post over at My Brown Baby. And then check out the hilarious hashtag #PaulasBestDishes
- Miami Heat…NBA Champions.
- Instagram added video. I already started unfollowing folks. Cause……….
- I did Mommy Talk Show on Wednesday. We talked about Living with Kids with Food Allergies. Awesome panel. If you didn’t make it to our Google+ chat, check it out here….
- I haven’t picked up my camera all week.
- My laptop is dying. Sigh. I wanted a new lens, not a new computer!!!!
- Speaking of cameras, do you guys want to see anymore photography tutorials? I have ideas……
- I ate Doritos for dinner last night. #whatdiet #PMS
- Because I am on a cleaning and cooking strike up in here.
- I have to work at the hospital tomorrow. *cries*
- I don’t want to see no baby come out of nobody’s va jay jay.
- But the roof on the house needs fixing. Even though we just bought this sucker in January and therefore it just got inspected in December. Who do I sue???
- My family reunion is next weekend.
- Tony Soprano died..no really, James Gandolfini died. He was only 51.
- I wish I could have gone to Blogging While Brown this weekend.
- I have nothing left to say.
One last random photo from last week….
I’m so over celebrities doing dumb things. Apparently they don’t think about what that poor child is gonna face when she goes to school. I need to clean up my Instagram and Twitter accounts. Paula Dean, this could cost her some serious damage, we’ll see. RIP James Gandolfini, I loved “The Sopranos”, 51 is young.
I’m mad about your roof.
This would piss me off terribly.
Thanks for being on the show!
Regarding your roof, your home inspector may have provided some type of warranty, make sure you ask! We were able to have our hot water fixed through the one our inspector offered. It was included in the cost of inspection!
yea, what Christina said about the roof. I would be hot about it too!
I don’t mind the name North West. It doesn’t bother me as much as some of the other dumb ass names celebs come up with
My SIL is so stinking cute!
Indifferent about the baby name. Fits right in with Blue, Apple, Bronx, Seven, etc.
I hope there is a warranty available for your roof.
Yes, to more tutorials. I had fun last week shooting and not using the auto setting!
I was so sad to hear about Tony Soprano. When I heard about it, I was like no way!
As for Paula Dean. I have no comment. Just no comment.
I thought the name was Kaidence but North is worse. Paula poor thing I loved her I am disappointed in her. On a cleaning and cooking strike yes ma’am I have done that quite a few times still don’t change nothing it works for a month then back to the same ole same ole *big sigh*
Pookah is so cute! goodness!
BWB was awesome, it is back in NY next year and I hope you can come 😉
I just want Pookah to be well too bless him AND the tutorials please! I remember going on a cooking and laundry strike lol
Pookah. 🙁 I so want baby boy to be well. He’s a trooper but man he really goes through it.
Tutorials? yes!
North West = Hot mess
Paula Deen = Hotter mess
The roof wha?! DH had roof trouble of that kind on his investment property and I know how awful that can be. Ughhh . . . and about Doritos? Yep, that’s perfectly acceptable. Missed you at Blogging While Brown but can’t remember if I’ll see you at Blogalicious?