Running Woes


Yeah. Ummmm no.

So when I went to bed last night, I had running on the TOP of my to do list for the day. After all, I hadn’t run in 6 whole days. I meant to on Saturday morning, before I got everything done, but C Dub was up and out of the house to go play golf before I could roll over good.  His excuse was that I was working Sunday so he only had one day to relax.  My day ended up being a hazy blur with Pookah that involved shopping for clothes, missed naps, poop on my white carpet and drinking Starbucks frantically in my car when he finally passed out.

Sunday I worked, Monday I worked…

So today, I was determined. Drop Pookah off at school, come back home, run.

I put it off and put it off until around 12 when after giving myself a pep talk and stretching, I finally decided to get up and go.

Well. That didn’t go so well. It’s my knees you see.  I noticed when I started back running that my knees were killing me when I ran.  And after I ran.  I iced them down, took Motrin, stretched,  got a massage….

It got better, especially after I lost about 7 pounds.

But I was left with this…stiffness.

I feel like my knees are 100 years old with rusty, creaking hinges.  They don’t bend well, they feel heavy, and it still hurts when I run.

What is a girl who is supposed to be running a half marathon in approximately 5 months to do??? I tried a run/walk method today just to get me through, but I just feel like I’m starting over again.

I feel defeated. Unsure. Insecure. A Failure.

And in the grand scheme of things, I realize that this is just one day. And that at least I kept moving and didn’t just turn around and come home.  But a lot of things in my life haven’t been going my way, so this was just the ice cream on the nasty ass cake.


I’m done for today.  I would try again tomorrow, but I do have to work for 12 hours AGAIN tomorrow. So no run for me.  I’ll try again Thursday. Maybe. Probably. I have to.

The end.


  1. I have to be honest a half marathon is kind of a huge undertaking for someone who isn’t a lifelong runner. It can be done but you have a ton of ther stuff going on. You’re going to have to prioritize and plan for those mishaps that will never stop occurring. Good luck and don’t stop. Just do what you can.

  2. A half marathon is such a challenge, but you can get through this. It’s going to be difficult, but you seem very determined to do it. Hopefully, the pain will go away. I’ll be cheering for you.

  3. Stay strong, and it’ll be okay. I’m proud of you and quite impressed with your determination and will to go on! I get shin splints, and I have never tried to walk/run through the pain, so I’m very proud of you lady!

  4. You’re right, you will have crappy running days. Everyone does. Five months is enough time to train for your half, BUT you will have to find a way to be consistent since you don’t have a solid base built for this sort of thing already.

    I’m concerned about the knee thing. Consistent pain during or after every run is just not normal IMO. Maybe some new shoes are in order? I think I read that you got fitted at Big Peach? They will let you bring them back and try something else for free.

    I would Google some stretches targeted for knee pain too. Foam rolling might be good too.

    1. I did google some stretches! Thanks for that suggestion, I will be doing them. it’s mainly my right knee that is killing me. And I think it’s the shoes too! I didn’t think about it until I read your comment! When I was running a lot last year, I remember that my brand new shoes( a pair of Nike) were the problem! Sigh. I really liked those Brooks. I’ll be going back to Big Peach to see if they can help!

    1. I am going to take a small break from running, but keep walking and do some exercises to streghthen my quads. i think they are weak. :-(. Plus, I think I might have to go back to Big Peach to get refitted. I think it might be the shoes! 🙁

  5. I second all the shoe comments. I’m a runner and I’m training for the Baltimore Half-Marathon. This will be my first half! Like you, I have a lot going on (marriage, toddler, work and school). Have you looked at the Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training plans? If not, google it and look at the Novice 1 training. The plan is 12 weeks long and do able if you commit to it. I’m a member of Black Girls Run here in Bmore. The Atlanta group is amazing! Link up with them, meet some like minded folks, be encouraged and do that half. You got it!! With some new shoes, ice and aleve you’ll be good to go!

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