Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27: Apple Picking

Friday night, I looked at the weather and saw it was going to stay in the 60s all morning long on Saturday. Right away, I plotting on driving the almost 2 hours to get to the apple orchard for a morning of apple picking. I figured that with Pookah’s habit of waking up at the crack of dawn, we would we up and out of the house by 8 and leaving the orchard around noon.

We make plans…God laughs…

Pookah and Cdub had been to a football game the night before so he slept until 830am.


By the time he got up and ate, Cdub decided to join us and we made it to the apple orchard around 11.

It was beautiful.

There were so many apples and so many views and so many pictures to take.

It was a great day for apple picking.


Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

aturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27


Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) Week 27

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