Show and Tell
Hello folks, It’s time for Show and Tell!
I went to a baby shower for one of my best IRL friends. She and I had been TTC for what seems like forever. She got pregnant, and stayed that way. I got pregnant, and had a miscarriage. But since she is my friend, I went to her baby shower anyway. C-Dub was concerned that I was doing the equivalent of jamming nails in my eyes, but I was determined. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be, and I had fun. She, being the sweetie she is, got everyone a gift for coming to the shower. I am sharing it today for show and tell.
That’s sweet. She seems like a really sweet and sensitive friend. Wishing you the best of luck! ICLW
What a wonderful teddy bear! She sounds like a great friend.
It does sound like a sweet friend! I am glad you went, but I know how hard those are. I am always so proud of myself for going, LOL. 😉
Hoping everything continues going well. Big hugs!
Happy ICLW! Cute teddy! Congratulations on your pregnancy news! Hope all goes well!
I think I missed your BFP announcement…hooray!
Yes, living in today is really all we have. I’m trying to keep myself firmly planted in the present these days, too.
Those what if’s can drive a person crazy. Glad you decided to focus on the here and now–today you are pregnant! Congrats!
Here from ICLW