So what had happened was…..

So today, I was supposed to celebrate the fact that my 30 days of black and white project is officially over!

But then a broken modem at my house happened and I’ve had no internet since yesterday morning.  And of course, this being the holidays and everything, they can’t get us a new modem until Saturday.


Anyway, I have photos, but can’t upload them! *weeps*

But I did it! I completed my first 30 day project and I am on day 27 of my 365 and Naphopomo and this is day 27 of NABLOPOMO.

Which is a good thing cause ya girl is tired.

PLUS throw into that bad weather, a cranky husband( who of course blames ME for the modem breaking because I moved furniture??? even though he is the one who dropped said modem.??? But I digress….)

And a kinda wanna be sick Pookah who needs a breathing treatment and medicine that CDub left at Pookah’s school which is closed until Monday.

This day did not start well.


At least I have Starbucks….


  1. Yay for the go-to drink of choice. In this case Starbucks for you, and Earl Grey tea for me! I love it when the hubbies blame us for something when it could have clearly been their fault. But you know what I say, maybe it wasn’t anyone’s fault, and the modem just needed a break 😉

    Congratulations on finishing your 30 day black and white challenge. That’s commitment, and the other challenges you are doing along the way.

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