SOC Sunday: Home Alone


C-Dub, tired of being home alone with Pookah on the weekends, took my Pookah and went out of town.  So I’m home alone.  These are my thoughts.

It s quiet in my house today.  it was really quiet yesterday too.  It’s amazing how you get used to the noise and mayhem that surrounds a toddler.  I’m lonely. Ive been wandering from room to room looking for stuff to do.  I haven’t had to get up and fix anyone’s breakfast.  I didn’t have to worry about what’s for dinner for anyone but me.  I cleaned up the den, and it was still that way when I got home from work this morning.  The kitchens still perfect.  There are no clothes on the bathroom floor.  There was noone telling me “eat Mommy”.  There was no inevitable argument with C-Dub about him going to  play golf and me getting a nap.  I could do what I wanted to do.  It’s funny how you wish and wish for peace and quiet and time alone.  You just sit and imagine what you would do if you got time alone.  Well, I got it.  And i’m not feeling it too much.  Lucky me I had to work this weekend(as usual) which is why I missed this little trip out of town.  Some folks told me to stop complaining, ENJOY this time alone.  But I find that I’m just not one of those parents. I like Pookah.  I like seeing the mayhem and madness he gets into.  I like watching him, trying to figure out how his little mind in working.  I mean really, I LOVE my alone time as much as anyone else. But I just want a few hours a day.  A few hours to get myself in order, to get my house in order to get my mind in order to get my life in order.  Just a few hours to breathe without worrying about Pookah or C-Dub.  Not 3 whole damn days!  So, I had big plans of what to do this weekend.  I cleaned.  Yes, I cleaned.  I watched an episode of horders that got me obsessed with cleaning my bathrooms.  Those folks are so damn nasty.  But anyway, I cleaned, I had my bottle of wine( yes you read that right) and I got some reading done.  But didn’t do much else.  I spent way too much time looking at Pookahs photos online, waiting for C-Dub to text me photos and just waiting.  It’s amazing how life gives you what you think you want, and you figure out that you really don’t want it.


This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post at
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


  1. I know how lonely it can be thats why I only require a couple of hours. I complain about the fam getting on my nerves but if they don’t then I am bored and have no one to tell off, yell at, and cook for.

  2. Isn’t it amazing how what you want isn’t really what you want sometimes? I spend all morning giving somebody the side eye because they wanted to hang out and I wanted to go scrapbook and when I finally got to go scrapbook I was the only person there and got bored. LOL

  3. Isn’t it crazy how lonely it can get when your constants are gone?! It makes you appreciative of those constants. Hang in there girl…the weekend is almost over!

  4. I am with you, a few hours is great but 3 days! I am not ready for that kind of break at least not at home. For 3 days, I would have to be at a spa or on a girl’s trip. Honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do with so much down time.

  5. Honestly, the girls and I have planned a vacation for next year and I’m still trying to figure out how I am going to leave my baby for THAT long. A day is all I’ve been able to do since she’s been born. Now I’m planning to leave her for 5 full days. I don’t know if I can 🙁 so I completely feel your pain.

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