SOC Sunday: It Screams Walmart
When you read this post, don’t judge me……..
I have a problem. And I admit its a problem. Pookah needs a new coat. Stranglely, even though i just got him a new winter coat in September, its almost too small. It still fits, but it’s looking smallish on him. His daddy said it’s looking like we can’t afford to buy the child a bigger coat but whatever. Its a nice coat. Anyway, my mother in law got Pookah a coat last winter in the 18 month size, and it was HUGE. Pookah could never wear it. Plus, I didn’t like the coat. It’s too big, too bulky, too…..Walmarty. Now, I love me some walmart, and Pookah has plenty of clothes from there. The clothes are cheap and perfect for daycare where he does nothing but get them dirty and rip them up. But something about this coat screams Walmart, and Big winters in the north. I live in Atlanta where most of the time it’s in the upper 50s and 60s. Even in the winter. So, luckily for me, when I tried it on in September, the coat was still too big. Now, circle back around to yesterday. I put the said “too small” coat on Pookah and his Daddy began to fuss. “what about that coat my mother got him? Can he fit that yet?” It’s too big, I began to fuss. “better too big than too small. Let’s try it on him again. You said he’s growing, maybe he can fit it.” Of course, all things being all things, it fits. It’s still a little big, but not big enough to cause too much trouble. But it’s long, its bulky and it screams WALMART. What am I to do? My child needs a bigger coat. I have one. It’s Christmas time so funds are a little tight…and he has a coat. A practically brand new one…I know I’m wrong but… screams Walmart..
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
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LOL! Sorry I had to laugh.
Since winter in Atlanta will be over soon let him wear the coat. He grows so fast he won’t be able to wear it next year so don’t stress. Buy him a nice coat for next winter when everything goes on sale. Take a picture with him in the coat, send it to MIL and be happy!
I know I know. The picture will make her day!
HA! One year my oldest outgrew her coat mid-winter and I could only find a coat at Walmart. I hated it. I gave it away as soon as she didn’t need it anymore, when I usually keep everthing for the younger girls. It was just so CHEAP looking!
This was many years ago, I now have four kids and I don’t have the same “pickiness” as I had then. I say let him wear the coat and then give it away!
LOL! You are so funny! And what’s even funnier is I know the type of coat you’re talking about. A triple fat goose comes to mind…..I guess if he likes it and it doesn’t look too bad on him its okay. Try to make it through this winter, hope that it gets warmer quicker, and pray that Pookah grows way too big to wear it next year! And if your in-laws ask, tell them he has a coat for next winter so they won’t get him another one! I know I’m wrong for that last one!
LOL! Great chuckles!
I used to feel the same way about Clover (a Wal-Mart like Philly store). I hated when my mom used to make that left and go there! I always ran into the weird kid in class and inevitably, someone else would have the same outfit on come Monday. As an adult, I realize that the brands son’t matter, kids don’t always care, and some hand knot accessories can make most anything look fashionable.
Hilarious. OMG, seriously. I so know. I am glad my parents don’t have a Walmart near them in NYC, cause they’d buy there all the time. Now my mom just shops at Kohl’s and gets savings. I actually DO shop at Walmart, but I know what you’re saying. It’s so bad when a product looks so Walmarty. Thanks for the AM chuckle! Happy Sunday!
He has a coat that keeps him warm and he doesn’t care what it looks like. Enjoy the time before kiddos voice their own opinions about that they will and won’t wear…makes for shopping hell. At least you have short winters there right?
Lol! That is so funny. I know just what you mean! You should try thrifting! Super nice stuff for super cheap… or consignment shops.
Hehehehe..I would of given it away in a coat drive and said I forgot about it… Im just saying..
Lol and it seems everyone has Walmart stuff on all the time. No judgement I am the same way. I bought both my kids coat from burlington early and I always get a big size yes they are drowning in it but hey they are warm.
This made me laugh, but I know exactly what you’re talking about. I don’t like Walmart’s clothes. I know they’re inexpensive, but they also, usually look bad and feel really cheap. At the same time, the thrifty side of me thinks that you should still use it, somehow. Maybe he could wear it to play outside and on other necessary occasions until you find another alternative?
Girl let that boy wear the coat! lol It’s just a coat and he’s only going to wear it for a limited time and then take it off when it’s inside somewhere. Jas has had a few things I didn’t like but I let her wear them anyway because she’s cute and can make anything look good. . . true story! lol The same goes for your boy.
Lol, I couldn’t help but smile and laugh at this post. I say let him wear the coat. It won’t be long and you’ll make everyone happy. The last thing you want to do is rock the boat over a coat that the boy is going to outgrow in a few months anyway.