SOC Sunday: Not so Hot to Trot…..
Before you start reading this, please make sure no kids are reading over your shoulder. Seriously. I was a little sleepy when I wrote this, and didn’t edit so…..its coming straight out of my brain onto the screen….
I have no sex drive. This is the sad truth of my life right now. Where did it go? Right in the trash with the empty birth control packaging. Yes, I got back on the pill after the nuva ring didn’t feel really….normal to me anymore after having the baby. Don’t know why. I had a damn C Section. Anyway, I chose Sesonique. And I now have no sex drive. Nada. Zilch. None. Just the thought makes me shudder and that’s so sad. I used to be what you might say is passionate, unrestrained, always wound up, excited, ablaze, basically oversexed. That song by Janet “Anytime, anyplace”? That was me. My poor husband has no clue what is going on. Its a complete 360. My thing is, something has got to give. I’m just not ready for another bambino at this time, so I need SOMETHING. But I know my OBGYN is going to KILL me when I tell her I want to try SOMETHING, ANYTHING else. Because all of the work I have to do just to get worked up is not working for me! I mean dayum! Can a sista get horny around here? If you couldn’t tell, this is really really bothering me. My husband is cute. Kinda hot really. I really, in my mind want to give him some. But when ever he even touches me in that way, my brain is like, man you better back up off me! Sigh. SMH. This could be why I’m so bitchy around here. And him too. And that is not the way to be. Stella needs her groove back over here folks. I’m dying. Help! Is my five minutes up yet?
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post at
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Really I am the same and I am not on anything but I think around here it’s because we don’t connect on that level anymore with no babysitter and no date in 2 years we don’t really say much. We are almost like roommates around here with him working and going to school full time. Me dealing with kids all day and the daily chores of being at home. I hope you are able to find your mojo again.
I feel like we’re roommates too. Sigh
I’m with Kita. After this 2nd baby and dealing with both kids all day, every day…the last thing I have energy for is doing it. And in my mind? I want to! Oh boy do I want to but physically I just don’t have it in me. We are done having kids and I had a permanent procedure done so we don’t have kids. Now I just have to get my groove back and stop being mommy all the time so I can be the sexy woman I once was!
I’m trying to get my sexy back, but it’s not WORKING! lol
About to send you an email…
This is exactly why I switched to condoms. They suck but it was better than me crying or putting on a ton of wait or having no sex drive. I couldn’t handle any of that crap anymore.
Sorry to hear that you are having this issue. It sucks! Can be stressful when the hubs doesn’t get it and/or gets all butt hurt thinking you aren’t interested anymore (no one ever told me men could be so damn sensitive;).
Ah well, it’ll pass and don’t worry about telling your doctor! It’s her job to find one that is right for you!
Visiting from SOC and I LOVED the post!
I’m seriously thinking about switching to condoms now! I hadn’t even thought of that!
Go to your doctor and get something that works differently. Not wanting sex anymore will become a habit, and then pity the poor husband who wondered what happened. Don’t be afraid of what your doctor thinks. He/she doesn’t come home with you. I might be talking from experience, but I’d never admit if it was or not. 🙂
:-). I am going to talk to my dr. She’s also a friend so it helps!
I don’t use BC because of some heart issues I had with my girls, but I totally know what you mean. Sometimes it’s hard to get in the mood, even when it’s not a chemical imbalance. Good luck with the doc!
This happened to me after I got the bc that is clipped in your uterus (cant remember the name) .Once that was gone I felt normal..Try going on a date just the two of you…
The iud? I heard it was good! But you have to leave it in for a while, and I’m still not completely sure about the timing of baby #2
I can honestly say that I can’t relate to your situation, because I’m gettin’ it in every chance I get (Smile). However, I really hope that things turn around for you soon. It must be so frustrating to want to, and not be able to bring yourself to do it. Good luck. Fingers crossed for you.
Just rub it in why don’t you?????
I went through a spell after my son was born…..kind of a drought rather. I think stress was a big part of it and really not relaxing or taking time for myself.
I am still not back to where I was pre baby, but I am certainly back in the game. 😉
If you think it is the BC then let the doctor know!! It is not worth it to be not getting any. So with that said, go get your horny back!!!!! Make it do what it is suppose to do.
(Under 18 and reading this, void this comment.)
ugh yes, the nuvaring did that to me too. which is too bad b/c it was otherwise ideal 🙁
Maybe you need to switch to a different brand. The same thing happened to a friend of mine, and she asked her doc for a different bc brand. This ended up working for her. Good luck girl! And get your horny back!
Echoing everyone else – talk to you OB/GYN! Switch to something else. The longer you let it go, it might turn into your “norm”. And that does not spell good news for you and hubs.
OMG! hehe New follower here from Kita’s, saywhatuwanna . Are you sure it’s the Seasonique doing it? I can relate, in a way, but I don’t have kids. I’m over 40 and I tell ya, the labito just isn’t there sometimes …. or the hubs is tired. I hope you get your sexay back girl! Great blog!
Brenda (NEW)
Thanks for stopping by! And I’m sure it’s the pill. It was almost instantaneous, one day I was a sex pot, the next I felt like a nun .
Ha! Love the honesty 🙂
And this is a good exercise… haven’t done any “free-writing” in a while, but I know it’s good to get the creativity flowing..