SOC Sunday: Stressed

Since it’s near his birthday, since its Saturday night,since I’m at work and therefore can’t do anything and since it’s been a while, Pookah is sick.  And of course, C-Dub, being a man, and egged on by my sister in law( who is saying, yes, you should be home on weekends so that C-Dub gets some time off since he works Monday through Friday and you only work 3 nights. Really? Who asked you?) Anyhoo, keep in mind I’m writing this at 242 am.  At work.  Because I’m really stressed.


I’m so stressed right now. I m at work(as usual).  I get the patient from hell( really sweet,but she has cardiac issues and keeps passing out) and then I get the text from Cdub that Pookah is throwing up.  Sigh.  I’m worried about that, I’m worried about my patient passing out while pushing. She keeps getting lightheaded. The baby is not moving down the birth canal, we’ve been pushing for two hours.  Then C-Dub keeps texting me,I call him get the story. I’m worried. I’m now doing a c section. I get smart mouthed text messages from CDub while I’m trying to count laps. I’m trying to keep it all together and be mom and nurse and not go off on my husband at the same time. I’m stressed.  Then I get out of the c section, get more smart mouth, and when I mention it, it gets worse.  Why is he so moody lately? I mean, I’m doing everything he asks. Everything I know how to do, but still.  I’m just so stressed.  I hope coming off of weekends is the answer because I can’t do this much longer without seriously blowing.  And then, I’m afraid of what all may come out of my mouth.  Because once you say something, you can’t take it back.  It lives. You remember, he remembers. And damn it,he has a longer memory than me.  I’m worried about my little baby boy.

This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
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  1. Awww what’s going on with Pookah?!? I hope he’s feeling better 🙁 if its the 1 thing I learned is that men are soooooo much more moody than we are. Keep your tongue for the little stuff and ignore the tantrums it’ll pass.

  2. It isn’t like you can leave work…and it isn’t like you are a cashier or something – you have the kind of job where repeated text messages is a serious issue. He needs to lay off that.

    I hope Pookah is feeling better this morning!

  3. These men. I understand though sadly I understand. I think men have that time of the month also. They get moody and act crazy. I am glad pookah was much better when you got home this morning get yourself some rest. And then the two of you need to have heart to heart so that you can get some things off your chest and he can do the same. Good luck

  4. My husband works in a hospital and between him and myself, sometimes we could start a fire with all the stress. When he works overnights and is a zombie for 4 days straight, I get a little testy, and when things are going on at work, he’s the testy one. Plus, we have 3 babies under age 2. I give you guys credit, though, I don’t think I could work in medicine at all.

  5. I’m visiting for the first time via SOCS and I must tell you that I have so much admiration and respect of L&D nurses. They’re the ones who do all the work, and get less glory but I believe that they are so instrumental to the feeling generate by the birth experience. Great nurse support = great birth experience. At least in my case.
    Anyway…doing all that plus dealing with a long distance skick kid and a moody hb….kudos to you.

  6. Awww! I hate when my baby is sick!

    And you are right, who asked her???? I hate when other people think they know what is best for YOUR relationship! Ugh!

  7. Ooh, I’m mad. I’d like to call up your hubs and tell him he’s a father and it’s not always pretty but it’s a job and he DOESN’T get a vacation from it.

    You had your hands more than full and the text messages were so unnecessary (unless to tell you how Pookah was doing).

    Can you tell I’m mad? Hope your week was better.

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