All day Saturday, I found myself staring at Pookah.

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I was thinking about the days when I am so frustrated with him and everything that he does that I just want to throw up my hands and run screaming from the room.  I was thinking about how I sometimes raise my voice. How I sometimes lack patience. How sometimes, I’m just ready for nap time or bedtime or even for him just to go to school. Just so I can get some peace.

And then I think of the parents of the children in Connecticut and I am overwhelmed with guilt. Those parents won’t get to be frustrated with their child anymore. They won’t get to yell about their child tracking mud in on their white carpets. They won’t get to laugh at their child’s antics. They won’t get to marvel over whatever class project their child brings home from school.  They won’t get to snuggle and listen to stories of how their day went right before bed,

Ever again.

These are things that I have been taking for granted. And that stops now.

I will enjoy every minute of life and take nothing for granted. Because Friday reminded me that nothing is promised.  NOTHING.  SO I need to enjoy and cherish this blessing of a child.

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Please make sure you do the same.



  1. I didn’t hear about the events in CT until late because of my location. It saddens me when selfish people feel the need to take lives for no reason at all. All of the students, educators, and others hurt (families and friends) didn’t deserve this what-so-ever. It’s so shameful that these events continue to happen. I wish peace to all of them.

    Keep being a great mom. Your feelings are completely natural because you love lil Pookah the same.

  2. Yes this weekend I let the kids run rampart I couldn’t even stop them because I can’t imagine not hearing the noise. My heart goes out to them but this violence must stop

  3. Agree with everyone, my children are older and I talked to them about taking cover if this was to happen at their school. I can’t imagine life without them, and continue to pray for all affected by this tragedy. Two police officers were killed in Topeka, KS last night, a four year old shot, I’m overwhelmed with the violence. I hope the leaders of the cities, states and country finally see that we need change.

  4. agreed. I stopped myself——like stopped immediately. What a wake up call. I just enjoyed my smart wonderful 3 year old, and enjoyed every little piece of him. every smile, every laugh, every single thing. he drives me crazy sometimes but somehow all of that went away. I appreciate him more. so much more. it like a shift occurred, its terrible that this had to happen for me to take the blinders off but I am forever appreciative of every moment with my boys.

  5. Amen, Lashawn. Life is all about living in the moment. We’re so distracted as a society that we forget to just slow down every now and again and appreciate what we have. Bookmark this post for a future reminder!

  6. I did the same thing. Sigh.. I literally go to bed and wake up thinking about how terrified those kids must of been. As a teacher how I would of protected my grown ass students without a doubt.. It’s just sad.. Really sad. I let the kids run wild all weekend…

  7. Well said. I think we too often take those precious moments for granted when indeed some people can’t have children or theirs have been taken away too soon. We are truly blessed.

  8. I love this. And, for what it’s worth, when you become a parent, the kid doesn’t pop out or come from foster care or adoption agency with a manual. We should all do our best as parents, god parents, aunts, uncles, and the “village”.

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