Random Stream of Consciousness on a Thursday

So seriously, I had nothing to write about today. Not NOTHING. So I decided to do a SOOC as per Nellie



Nothing is really going on this week unless you count my quest to find balance between my 9 to 5 and the bloggy world.  I have plans. Really I do.  I have so much to do on my to do list and half of it never gets done! *cries*

I’ve been using the calender, I’ve been planning out posts. But…I still have to write!!

I don’t know how some of you who work 9-5 do it.  I mean I cannot, actively tweet, Facebook, promote blog posts and comment on blog posts all day long at work like I see some do. I mean I utilize a lot of tools like Buffer and Hootsuite to plan stuff out in advance, but they haven’t found a way to automate commenting on blogs.

Or to participate in really interesting discussions on Facebook groups.

Or to apply for opportunities before they are closed.

Or to plot my complete takeover of my slice of the bloggy kingdom.


It’s hard out here for a chick.

There is so much I want to do, so much I have written out to do.  But no time to do it unless I never sleep.

But then I would need a IV Caffeine drip.

And that’s not legal…..

And I still have nothing else to say today. So at Mimi’s suggestion here is a photo…..
untitled (25 of 40)-Edit






  1. Nellie and Mimi made good suggestions.

    I totally get what you’re saying. It’s so hard to balance all of this stuff. I am currently sucking at it. In my new SAHM gig, I gets no time for that bloggy life. I’m sure I will, once we find our rhythm.

    I’ve decided that in order to be a successful blogger, you need to be single,no kids and unemployed. That’s the only way you can rock this thing out. Or it least that the way it feels.

  2. You gotta do what’s important blogging will be around I don’t think you should stress it. Do what you can when you can. That’s why I could not do the nablopomo I knew that was going to be an undertaking and I am at home. Do themes that may help you out like how I do my pinterest days or my conversations on Fridays that way you don’t have to reach for anything you know what needs to be posted on those days and you can manage better.

  3. If you ever want to chat about blog strategy, feel free to message me! I work 9-5 with a one year old … and it can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Time management has been something I’ve been working on all summer…and I think I finally have a routine down!

  4. Time management with my blog, kids, house and husband is a HUGE problem for me and I’ve been doing this for 5 years. Someday I’ll have it all figured out. I stress when I have posts to write and no time, and then I get them done and I can breath. At least I enjoy what I do but it’s hard. However that said I wouldn’t change it for the world because I love what I do!

  5. Mimi’s suggestion is cool, I don’t remember the last time i promote any of my blog posts, am just too busy. You don’t have to say something all the time. Sometimes you just close your eyes and rest.

  6. When I was working I was only able to do that stuff after the kids were asleep. You don’t want to come home and be sucked into your computer. Hit a starbucks on the weekend for a few hours to nail out and schedule things! Good luck.

  7. I don’t know how people do it either. I think most of the bigger bloggers don’t have kids (or blogging is now their FT job) or have a non-traditional schedule. When I get home, the LAST thing I want to do is get on the computer for real…and posting from my phone or Kindle just sucks.

    I can only do the November challenge thing because my blog is now accessible at work. I’m a web programmer so I have a reason to be at my computer online all day.

    I don’t deal with (blog) Facebook. I Tweet in spurts and not much of it is blog related.

    Clearly I’m not in this for the “glory”. Blogging isn’t my main gig and I doubt anything blogging related would pay (long-term) as much as being a software engineer has for the 15 years. I like my career and have no desire to have some random social media spinoff job. Priorities in order 🙂

  8. Some weeks are just like that. My suggestion is to get some posts in your drafts for when life gets too crazy to create new content….and have a few favorite linky parties to fall back on when inspiration just isn’t there.

  9. There are some days I just don’t have it in me. Wordless Wednesday is a slice of joy, but in order to not become burnt out, take breaks. Also, if it’s not your JOB to blog, don’t expect to take over – there’s a LOT of legwork from here to there! 🙂

  10. I didn’t start blogging seriously until I quit my FT job and even now I try to post in advance or before was burning the midnight oil to work on posts, but now I try to grab snippets of time (especially on weekends) when I can schedule a couple in advance and give myself some breathing room in between my other obligations. I think the best thing is to determine what type of frequency blogger you’ll be and make make peace with that. If you know 2-3/wk is manageable stick with it and know that’s the limit. I think it helps your readers know what to expect too and buildings stability and community. The most important thing is to have fun. The minute it feels like work or a chore I’m out!

  11. That sweet face makes me smile! I feel for you. It’s so hard to balance it all. My to do list is pathetically long. But at least you have a list and that is the first step.

  12. What a cute photo! I don’t see how people with full-time jobs get so much blogging done either. Or those with lots of children which they homeschool. I sit over here with no other job and only one child, wondering how the heck I am going to make it through all the posts I need to write each week!

  13. I don’t know how those working moms do it:) I am lucky enough to have ‘being a mom’ as my full time gig and even that is more than enough to handle sometimes!

  14. I too am a working mom. Fortunately my crew are all teens and need far less of my attention. Don’t stress, the world never ended because a post was not published. When I get in a panic my husband utters his famous words, “It is what it is.” Do what you can and just be satisfied with what you have accomplished.

  15. In the theme of your post, here’s my little attempt at a stream of consciousness comment… 😉 Speaking of a caffeine I.V., do you know what I discovered the other day? Caffeinated chocolate. How on earth have I gone on so long without discovering that? That’s right up there with discovering the peanut butter/jelly combo. Or when Brangelina got together.

  16. Sign me up for the IV caffeine drip, please and thanks! My to-do list feels like it’s a mile long and there just isn’t enough time in the day. Sigh. Big, big sigh!

  17. It is super hard to do everything I want to do relating to my blog. Especially since I do have that 9-5…and I get slight blog envy when I see other bloggers getting to “play” all day. 😉 One day I will be there. It is my mission. For now, my to-do list stays running….LOL

  18. This is how I feel everyday about blogging and working full time. So my solution was that my mom and I combined blogs so that we both had more time. You know its bad when my dad starts complaining because we aren’t paying attention to him! 🙂 This was a great post! Came over from the SGBC!

  19. I am beginning to think there isn’t an answer for this. We just gotta do what we can do, its hard when you think about ALL that needs to be done to make our passion work! Lately though, I have been focusing on one social network per week. I have been slacking on twitter lately because I have been on instagram and facebook building my network over there. Next week it will probably be something else.

  20. I love the picture.
    I completely feel your pain and I am a full time blogger. But the thing is I also do VA work. So between the 2, and my 4 kids, I miss more than I get and I am at the computer a lot.

  21. I totally know the feeling – things get so crazy busy – especially this time of the year. I think that you should do what is good for you – don’t feel like you have to do what others do. Do YOU. What I used to do is to spend one day writing posts and schedule them.

  22. Balancing everything in life is hard. It helped me to realize that I don’t have to give everything the same amount of attention. Attention should flow with the prioity.

  23. What a cutie! It is very hard to do all things. There are some options for automation bloglovin, networkblogger, features in jetpack etc. It is awesome that your using a calendar, it is the only thing keeping me remotely on track.

  24. I was an EA to a CFO so I found it easier to blog at work. I was sitting in front of a computer all day. It’s harder now that I’m wrangling a toddler a husband and a home.

    I tell ya what though, you never have to write another word here. Your blog could survive on the strength of that cute little man’s face for every single post.

    He’s just too handsome for words.

    Can we start working out dowry arrangements for any future daughter I have now?

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