Summer Weekending: The Fourth of July

On this edition of Summer Weekending, we had a fun roadtrip to grandmamas, a race and fireworks

How was your holiday weekend? We had a 4 day one around here that OF COURSE, started with a road trip to Grandma’s house. ( Don’t all summer road trips eventually end up there?)

 The car is packed, it's time for another summer road trip!

We made our way to Alabama to spend a little time with my family there.   I haven’t been back since my father died. While the house did seem…a little empty without him, I remembered why I love that house. It’s so peaceful.  Being on her back porch in the morning with my cup of coffee and my book every morning listening to nothing but the birds was so needed.  Despite the snake that decided to make an appearance….

summer weekending fourth of july-5

Morning coffee, reading You are a Badass

 fun times with grandma

Pookah taking a walk in Grandmama's backyard.

Pookah had so much fun with his cousins. I remember when I was young, I couldn’t wait to get to my Grandmother’s house because of COUSINS. My cousins were my first friends, my first tribe. It’s so wonderful to see Pookah building that same tribe.


water balloon fight!!!

fun in the pool

CDub barbecued for us on Saturday and we had early fireworks for everyone on Saturday night.

Cdub manning the grill!

me eating a hotdog

fireworks for the 4th of july

Family is fun guys…..

We headed back to Atlanta on Sunday( with my Mom!) because C-Dub talked me into running the Peachtree Road Race with him. WHHHHHYYYY??????

I agreed in a weak moment when I was dissatisfied by the number once again I saw on the scale. Because guys…I’ve got a trip to Jamaica coming in October. I can’t be cute with that number. So I decided to use the Peachtree to jumpstart my fitness journey. ( More on that later)

It was just as expected: HOT MUGGY and fun.


I struggle ran/walked up those 6.1 miles, but I made it.

Me, crossing the finish line at the Peachtree

Needless to say, we had pizza for the 4th of July. Because cooking anything was out of the question. LOL

And we had another mini fireworks show for Pookah.

sparkler fun

All in all a good summer weekend.

What did you guys do this weekend?




  1. It sounds like you had a fabulous holiday weekend. We always wind up stopping at Grandma’s house too. It’s so important for the kids to spend time with their grandparents, so we always try to make time for that.

  2. Congrats on making it through the 6.1 miles in the Peachtree race! I’m always impressed by people who run races.

  3. It looks like you had a lot of fun! We did to where I live it’s super hot so we spent most the day at a friends house that had a pool in the kids swim literally the entire time we were there. We went in the water a couple times ourselves!

  4. Read and sleep….and then sleep and read. I cooked enough for the entire week so there will be no cooking at all this week.

  5. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend! We had a party one day, attended mass Sunday and relaxed the remainder of the weekend. I love summer and all it has to offer.

  6. How fun! Sounds like you had a blast, and looks like it too! What a way to create memories that will last a life time!

  7. Such fun pictures! It sounds like you guys had an awesome weekend! Aren’t long, holiday weekends the best?! Obsessed, haha! Happy summer for sure!

  8. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time on your trip home besides the snake of course. Sitting out on the porch sipping coffee in the morning listening to the birds is such an awesome relaxing thing for anyone. We spent the weekend with my family. My sister through a family bbq Friday and Sunday we all went to a local park for a family picnic. Thanks for sharing your weekend.

  9. Aw, what a fun weekend! Long holiday weekends are THE best! I have a Jamaica trip planned too – too funny! And you go girl for running that race after such a relaxing weekend, I never would have made it haha! We had a great 4th also, lots of sunshine, pool time and beach trips!

  10. I’m glad you had a good weekend. =) We didn’t really do too much, we did have a barbecue and shoot off some fireworks though.

  11. There’s no friendship that can compare to the friendship and bond of cousins! I love reuniting my cousins and catching up since we all live in different cities.

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