I survived NABLOPOMO


nablopomoAhh good friends…once again, I survived NaBloPoMo.

THANK YOU JESUS it’s over.

Cause really, every year this confirms that I am not the “post every single day” type.

I am really a 3 to 4 days a week type of girl you know?

And in the new year, I may cut that to 3. Because I love to focus on Quality instead of quantity, and I want to bring you the best content that I can.

Anyhoo, today we are traveling back from our whirwind trip to see ALL OF THE FAMILIES.

I’m exhausted, but of course, upacking and work awaits tomorrow.

We’re not going anywhere for Christmas.

It’s a wrap!

Thanks for reading this month!!


    1. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be! the key was planning and writing a lot of posts before hand! it taught me a lot about organization going forward

  1. I’m not a post every day person either. If the spirit moves me I will but otherwise like you in the new year I want to focus on quality instead of page views. I’m going back to the basics and build organically.

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