Tales of An Adventurous Toddler

Pookah has gotten really really adventurous.  His boyishness(is that a word?) is really coming out.

So, I’ve had to put a gate up at the bottom of the steps, because he keeps trying to go up them.

Yesterday, Pookah and I came down the steps and I put the gate up as usual.  And as usual, Pookah watched diligently, in his curious way.

I went on into the kitchen, confident because

  • A: the gate was up
  • B: the bathroom door was closed and
  • C: all sharps, small pieces of paper, plastic were put away.

I was happily cleaning away when I realized that it was quiet.


Let me explain.  Pookah babbles/screams/talks constantly.  He keeps up a running commentary even if there is no one there to listen.

Quiet in my house usually means he is asleep.

I called his name.


No answer.


Still no answer.


I rushed around the corner, and didn’t find him in the living room.

I turned towards the stairs and started  incomprehensibly at what I was seeing……

The gate was down. 

Flat on the floor as a matter of fact.

And Poookah?

I had a brief glimpse of his left leg at the top of the stairs before it went around the corner.

And I could hear him giggling madly at being discovered.

I called out his FULL name( First, Middle, Last and Jr),

and rushed up the steps.

That little boy scared the life out of me!!!

First the childproof locks and now the gate??? What am I growing here a child Houdini????

My mother laughed her butt off and reminded me that I had done the same to her dozens of times.


He scared the shit out of me.

Little stinker.


  1. Lol too funny. They really are escape artist at this age. And we better believe they are watching EVERYTHING we do. Jasmine figures stuff out after watching someone do it once. Its kinda crazy how smart she is sometimes. We gotta try and keep em off the stairs tho lol

  2. But how can you resist that FACE, lol! I’m so glad we don’t have stairs, because I’m sure I would have had 15 heart attacks by now, lol. But then again, Izzy won’t even step down off of the curb for some reason, so maybe not, lmbo

  3. Lol that was funny he is so cute. They get into everything and love the stairs the gate will not work as he gets older they can climb the gate. I think going up is no problem it’s coming back down that scares me. I use to be worried with my first child but after the second one I let them do what they do and just keep an eye on them.

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  5. I love that picture at the end! It totally should go next to ‘stinker’ in the dictionary. My nephew is that way. Can get into and out of anything!

  6. So cute… aahh, I remember the days. And as far as boyishness being a word… of course it is! I say this because I am making up my very own dictionary all the time… is “quietable” a word? or have a “quiet attitude”? both mine I think ;-D Glad to find you from Chasing Joy’s #FBF

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