The Interview
So……I had an interview today.
What you say? I didn’t know you were looking for a new job you say? Well, lets just say that most of us who work night shift at my job are looking……
So really, this job opportunity just fell in my lap. For those who don’t know, I got laid off last year when I was 7 months pregnant! (Yes, they are shit balls, and I hope they burn in hell).
So, a nurse that I worked with then, has since moved on to another office and they are looking for a nurse. Ironically, (to show you how small a world nursing is in the ATL) I would be replacing the same girl I replaced at the shit balls job. Hmmmmmm.
- It’s a typical 730 to 430 job working at a infertility clinic.
- I must say that I really loved working at the infertility clinic last time around. It was rewarding and fulfilling.
- Not to mention, it’s a day time job.
- Benefits are AWSOME
- It’s a day time job
- Pay is good. Not AWSOME but good. More than I make now.
- Did I mention that it’s a daytime job?
- Pookah would be in daycare all day everyday Monday through Friday.
- I would have to give up working only two nights a week.
- If my house can’t get clean now, how would it get clean if I was working M-F?
- How will I get anything done?????
- I’ll miss my Pookah pumkin terribly. 🙁
I thought the interview went well. I put on my happy, I’m professional, and qualified and want this job face. Even though on the inside I was thinking, if you give me the job, great. If you don’t, oh well.
You see, I’m kind of ambivalent. I want the job. But mainly because I am soooooo tired and exhausted from working nights. I just want to be home with my baby EVERY night. Oh course, in a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to work at all. But due to the horror that was 2009( my Annus Horribilis to quote Queen Elizabeth), I don’t have that option. This job would allow us not to live paycheck to paycheck. And I might actually get to catch up, and have some breathing room in the budget. Hey, I might actually have some money to get a pedicure now and then and to get the carpet shampooed by someone other than me( I really don’t do a good job). I might have energy to have sex with my husband. I might find time to be NORMAL.
Oh, I’d miss all my other mommies who are home all day, but ya’ll can’t pay my bills!!!
But hey, they haven’t even offered me the job……..yet.
Good luck! I know it’s a tough position to be in, when there’s pros and cons to either outcome, but I hope that what’s best for you and your family (whatever that may be) is what happens! *hugs*
Good luck!
I was always under the impression that there was a nursing shortage and it was easy to find nursing jobs. Is that just a lie they tell to get people to go to nursing school?
There is a nursing shortage… certain states. A nurse can always find a job, the question is what do you want to do? I specialize in women’s health( labor and delivery, infetility and the OR). People in these specialities LOVE their jobs and never leave.
your pros definetly out way the cons….while you will miss pookah and have to put her in day care….she will soon be going to school and those benefits will come in handy…..
best of luck to you…. i wll check back to see if you got the job
It’s hard but it’s doable. I hate to say it but you get used to it. And it’s nice having the day to myself rather than being on the go with a toddler all day long. Although I do miss my preshus all day every day! Also, we do all of the housework on the weekends now. Hubby wants a cleaner house he can do it himself!
if you decide to do it, it’s something you’ll get used to. I didn’t get to stay at home with my daughter but 6weeks and going back to work was hard. But after awhile it was just our routine. And I can honestly say, the excitement she has when she sees me after work when I’m picking her up makes up for the hours she spends at daycare. I love it
If I were working “just” two nights a week, the assault on my sleep habits would take up a lot more time than “just” the two nights I was working. But I do not think I would ever function well working at night. I think it would be nice to have a regular schedule, and don’t downplay the economic benefits and the positive effect that would have on your stress level.
Visiting from SITS. Best of luck with the job. Energy to have sex with your husband? I don’t have a husband but if I did, by now he would have divorced me…lol. I laughed at that sentence cause I can so relate.