The one where I do NaBloPoMo…..

NaBloPoMo November 2015
So, it’s November and I really had no plans on doing NaBloPoMo again until Mimi, I mean someone reminded me about it.

I kept thinking, hell, I can barely post the three times a week!  How am I going to post THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER??? 

Do you know what’s happening this month?


Pookah’s Birthday,


What am I thinking?? How am I going to post everyday???

Well, I’ll just say the intention is there and so it will happen. Like it does every year. I do this every year and feel like I’ve accomplished so much when I’m done. Sometimes I won’t post for a few weeks afterwards, burned out due to all the overposting and stuff, but for the most part, I feel accomplished, motivated, etc etc etc. I’m hoping for motivated this time around. You know how they say if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit? Well that’s my goal. I’m trying to get back to blogging in this space regularly: telling you stories, showing you my everyday life through photography and stories. While teaching you to do the same. So…that’s what I’ll be doing this month. Oversharing, ranting, laughing, teaching, whatever comes to mind.


Edited to add:

My fab Five ladies that I link up with the first Friday of every month( make sure to come back Friday to check out our posts) are doing this too! Blogging is really about the community and we all decided to participate in this challenge and support each other! So check out what they are doing in November too if you get a chance!

Mimi |

Kita |

MJ |

Bernetta |


See you guys tomorrow!






  1. Oh that Mimi got us good. LOL. Well you and Mimi got me. This is a big commitment but like you I want to get back into blogging consistently and sharing my stories. We got this!

  2. Posting everyday does sound a bit heavy! But I know you ladies can do it! I can’t wait to read your posts for the month. You got this!

  3. Can I just have someone tell me what the heck NaBloPoMo stands for? I’m assuming it’s “you gonna post daily in November” LOL I’m gonna attempt to join ya but I’m gonna have to do a few posts in one day because I AIN’T READY! haha

  4. You are so awesome! Yes, you’ve totally got this. How did it go last year? I haven’t officially stated my participation yet, though that could be a great blog post soon 😉

    I’m torn between this and writing a novel because that’s been a dream of mine. So I may drop out of the blog portion of this soon and keep writing offline.

    I can’t WAIT to see your Disney pics!!

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