This and That

So, I’m taking a page from Nellie and making a post about a lot of little things that are going on, but don’t really deserve their own post.

  • My laptop died. I mean I spilled coffee on it and it died. Ironic huh?  I have an old computer/laptop at home, but it has Windows Vista on it.  Do you realize that the current versions of Photoshop and Lightroom don’t work unless you have Windows 7 and above?   So, I can’t edit. I can’t even upload photos. I have been trying to coerce convince Cdub to help his wife out and get her a laptop after 5 days without. Hopefully all of my twerking pleading has worked and I can go to Best Buy tomorrow and get one.
  • I did a photo shoot this week for KoKoa Magazine at the Atlanta History Center here in Atlanta. It’s amazing what’s in my city and I don’t know about it. It would be the perfect place for a photoshoot in the spring….
  • My Daddy is the most stubborn man in the world. He has kicked out the nurse, the speech therapist, the physical therapist and told them all not to come back. The problem is, he still needs these folks. I really don’t understand how  a man who used to be so independent is now content to depend on my mother for practically everything. My mother and his dr want me to talk to him. But honestly, I’ve talked already till I’m blue in the face about this topic. I can’t understand, so I don’t know how to have a civil conversation about it with him. I get my stubbornness from my father, so that conversation wouldn’t go well. I’d be cussing and he’d be cussing( because despite needing speech therapy, he still can get the cuss words out perfectly). It wouldn’t end well. Sigh.
  • C-Dub and I are going on a date this weekend thanks to my sister in law. She is awesome. She is taking Pookah on a date to see that new Lego movie. We’re going to eat Mexican which we never get to eat because Pookah can’t.  We will pig out, drink margaritas and then come home and have hot sex all in about 3 hours. Yeah. This is my life.
  • Did you hear about this George Zimmerman fighting DMX? Ok. Now I’m going to get on my soapbox and say HELL TO THE NO. There is no way we should support/watch/allow this fight to happen. Why on earth should   Zimmerman get to profit off of the fact that he killed Trayvon Martin? Yes, we would all love to get in the ring and beat his ass. But naw. I refuse to support this.  There are a lot of petitions out there to sigh to stop the fight. Get to one. Sign it.
  • I’m back on the diet bandwagon because I gained back all but 5 pounds of the 12 I lost. *hands head low*.
  • Well that’ all. I’m writing this post at work, and hopefully by the end of this weekend I will have a laptop at home that I can edit on. I’m still taking photos for my 365 but just can’t upload them. *cries* SO hopefully, by Sunday, I will be able to upload a whole bunch of stuff.

I leave you with an iPhone photo that I took yesterday at the Atlanta History Center because WELP that’s all I got!




Have a great weekend guys!


  1. *sigh* sorry about the laptop. twerking does wonders! Maybe you can get one of those cheap netbooks to hold you over? There are some for less that $200 with win8 on them.

    Absolutely nothing good can come of this. I feel like GZ is laughing in our faces by doing this. The amount of cash he would make for killing a child…..I can’t even talk about this anymore.

    Enjoy your mexican! I LOVE mexican food too!

  2. I predict all that twerking and hot sex is going to pay off big this weekend and you’ll get your computer! 😉
    Your dad was really showing out for them to kick him out and say don’t come back! I hope you’re able to get through to him and he becomes more compliant.
    The fact that this fight is even a thing is ridiculous. I signed the petition.

  3. I didn’t hear about Zimmerman but the community should be outraged. Thx for sharing, I’ll go sign a petition. I do have computers at home that I can work with but I use this baby for 95% of my blogging efforts. I hope that works out for you this weekend. I think most people somewhat ignore all of what their city has to offer. I am always discovering new interesting things here and I”ve lived here all my life. I can’t wait to see those Kokoa photos.

    Date night, WHOOP!

  4. We have an old lap top that is slow and in need of a new one but I am saving my pennies for a mac…and I do mean saving pennies I got a whole 7 bucks saved. I don’t like the GZ fight at all but I sure do want someone to whip his….bleep…..
    Can’t wait to see the pictures.

  5. Wow that photo of the Atlanta History Center is really pretty and not what I expected, I had no idea there were that many trees in Atlanta. The promoter for the fight backed our recently due to feeling guilty about it. I’m surprised Zimmerman has been so out there since his conviction was thrown out, I mean he was going to do this, plus he was arrested a few times, you would think he’d take a note from Casey Anthony and just lay low, but I guess he’s trying to do whatever he can to stay relevant now. Why not skip dinner and go straight to the hot sex for 3 hours, then get takeout? LOL

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