Thoughts at the end of the week
My week was really busy towards the end. I meant to post on Thursday, but Pookah took a 30 minute nap in the car and not another all day. I was exhausted from keeping up with his cranky, whiny self so I crashed in the middle of Project Runway. And today, well, I had so much catching up to do with the rest of my life that I just didn’t have time.
I’m making the time now. At 1030 pm on a Friday night.
So what’s going on? What’s on my mind?
1. The influx of Blog Her tweets had me jealous just like last year when I vowed to go this year.
Yeah, didn’t happen.
But next year, I am vowing to go to SOME blog conference. SOMEWHERE.
It’s just an experience I want to have. I want to meet all of you! I want to learn, I want to network. Hell, I just want to get out of Atlanta.
Sooooo, there is Blissdom, BlogHer, Blogalicious, TypeA, EVO, Blogging While Brown, Bloggy Bootcamp…….and the list goes on.
I think the key is finding what fits me, what I’m interested in and what I write about at My Life.
Because I’m going to a conference next year….yes sir I am.
2. Organization: You’ve heard it before, my house is…a work in progress. I am reading this book called Total Mom Makeover. She’s got interesting ideas. I might just try a few. And I have a few ideas of my own that I am going to start next month. Stay tuned.
3. Which leads me to sending Pookah to daycare full time. This month, I am sending him 3 days a week. It helps, really it does. But the problem is that I find myself rushing around on my one full free day. And I STILL don’t get much done. He’s got to go full time. 🙁 I hate it. Because the look he gives me when I leave is dirty. But he’s always so happy by the time I pick him up. I feel like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
4. Potty training is…….lets just say the child told me he had to pee, went to the potty, sat there a full 10 minutes, got off and promptly peed on the floor. SMH. #fail
5. Work: I’ve got to go to dayshift. I’ve asked my manager. I’ve told C-Dub to work it out at work. So I’m third on the list. She said maybe next year. #fail.
6. And last but not least, vacations. I am planning vacations. The major one with C-Dub and Pookah and maybe one with MY side of the family this time. I was thinking a cruise…..
So that’s all for now folks. Have a good weekend. You know where I’ll be!!
I had no idea there were so many blogging conferences, but I guess I’m not all that surprised.
As for the work thing, I don’t know how anybody works a night shift and then transitions back to days. I’m pretty sure my body would rebel in some fantastic way.
WOW! I want to go to a conference too. All of them sound so great. I need one on the east coast but I would love to go. Best of luck with everything especially the potty training and switching your schedule 🙂
I’m following. Maybe follow back??
The potty training horrors! lol I told hubby we (meaning he) would start as soon as X turn two next month. Please keep me posted on how its going with you, so I can know what works and what doesn’t!