Thoughts on BlogHer

Last weekend, I attended Day 2 of Blogher.  I had originally intended to attend the whole conference, but I knew that I couldn’t enjoy our family vacation and Blogher, so compromises had to be made.

I chose to attend the 2nd day.  Which just happened to be the day that Kerri Washington was going to be there.


Even though I only attended one day of Blogher, I could automatically sense a different Blogher.

It wasn’t as crowded.

The swag was……non existent in comparison to my last trip to Blogher.( Not that I need swag, but the bag they gave out was so empty it was almost not even necessary)

The format was…different. More like Ted talks.

The food….

I went to two sessions: one was not as advertised( I mean talking about how great YOU are rather than talking about something the people in the room can actually use….) and the other was unexpectedly just what I needed.

But unlike conferences past, I didn’t have a notebook full of tips and resources and things to do NOW. I don’t have lots and lots of photos because frankly, other than a few selfies and Kerri Washington, I didn’t feel the need.

That was…disappointing.

What was the same?

Seeing friends. Meeting new ones.Discovering folks that had me wondering: why don’t I follow you?

Making a connection with the great folks over at Artifact Uprising.

Having a few great conversation with women who I met in the bathroom.

Watching A Belle in Brooklyn interview Kerri Washington.

Listening to Luvvie explain “alphet”.

Unexpectedly enjoying Arianna Huffington and being inspired to “sleep your way to the top…in 8 hours”.



Maybe if I had attended both days.

Maybe if I had been able to attend the parties( I heard the closing party with Rev Run was awesome).

It leaves me wondering about do I even WANT to try another Blogher? Do I really want to try another blog conference? Have I outgrown them? Are they worth the expense?

What do you think? Were you at Blogher? Did you notice a difference from Bloghers past? Will you go again?


  1. Didn’t hear much about them one person tweeted some things that were good but that’s about it. You know I don’t spend money on conferences so if I don’t go for free I probably will never attend one. Unless you happen to be in town during a conference I wouldn’t waste money or time. They need to have one online seriously I can go pay a little 50 bucks and I don’t need swag.

  2. This was my first BlogHer, but definitely not my first blog conference. I am slowly but surely learning that blog conferences are more for networking and getting to see bloggers from across the country that I only get to see at events like this. I didn’t LOVE many of the sessions, but I did get some takeaways and made some great contacts with some brands that I wanted to target.

    For me, I think I will attend again just to get more exposure with the brands that attend. It’s one of the few conferences that has such a vast amount of representation in the expo hall. But the money to attend? Sometimes it’s a bit much… but I look at it as an opportunity to mix business and pleasure while I get to explore a new city in the US.

  3. That’s disappointing. I don’t think I’ve been to Blogher since 2011? I wanted to go this year but had so much going on that I didn’t even focus on it. I haven’t given much thought to attending any conferences actually. I guess it’s just not on my radar these days.

  4. I am thinking about going next year and I maybe have such high expectations that I would be so bummed if it wasn’t amazing!!! Oh well we shall see what next year has in store!!

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