Total Me Monday

Good Monday Folks!

Well folks.  Bootcamp is DONE!

I would have signed up for another round, but I wasn’t running.

And the Peachtree is in 2 months.

So, Friday…..I ran.

I officially started the couch to 5K program.  I figure, at least I’ll be running by the end of it, cause baby! The start was UGLY.

I thought I had been getting into shape this past month due to bootcamp.


The moment I took off for the first 1 minute run, I thought my knees were going to come off!

And when I finished that first minute, I was seriously reevaluating my decision to run the Peachtree.

Was I crazy? Insane? DERANGED?????

But by the 5th 1 minute run, I was maintaining, and my knees felt like they were still attached to me.

And by the end, I am proud to say I felt GREAT!

I was tired, my heart was pumping, I was drenched in sweat.

But I had finished!!

I am so proud of myself!!!

So, to continue my must run by July 4th journey, I’ve devised a workout/training plan.

It’s long, it’s complicated, but due to my working schedule and Pookah, it’s going to have to work for me.

Monday: Get home from work at 8, and drop Pookah off at daycare by 9 am.

Go directly from daycare to the track for planned running session x 30 minutes.

Tuesday: Strengthening exercises( squats, lunges, core/abdominal work) EA active workout or walk with Pookah in the park

Wednesday: repeat of Monday after coming home from work

Thrusday: rest day

Friday: wake up at 5 am to run at gym or if Pookah goes to daycare run outside.

Saturday and Sunday, forced rest due to work.

Sooooooo.  We’ll see how this works out.  I’ll let you know next week.

I AM loosing weight. I’ve been using this wonderful wonderful app on my iphone called My Fitness Pal. It tracks calories and exercise.  I love that as soon as I eat something I can put it in.  It’s great.  Also, the couch to 5K is on my iphone also.  It talks to you while you run, telling you when to warm up, cool down, start running etc.  Can I just say I LOVE my iphone??? I’ve really got to do a post about it soon and all of my favorite apps!

So anyway, wish me luck!!!!


edited after the news on 5/1/11:

Osama Bin Laden is dead.

While I’m never happy for anyone’s death, I am happy to see the wheels of justice and karma go round and round…….


  1. You’re inspiring me to start back on C25k. I had started it a few weeks ago, then I had a couple of injuries (non-related…I fell down some stairs…oops), but I think I can get back on the horse, now. 🙂

  2. You’re the 5th person I’ve seen talk about couch to 5K…..your post was enough to make me look it up and I’m going to give it a shot. I walked a 5K last weekend and I would LOVE to be able to run one like a year from now. Keep us updated on how you do!

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