Weekend Randoms

You know how you have plans for your weekend, things you want to do and then you look up and its Sunday and you’ve done nothing?

Yes, that’s me.

This about sums up my weekend………

11 365


So a few things…


  • We woke up Saturday morning to a torential downpour, tornado warnings, and blinking lights.  But suddenly the sun came out . We’ve gone from 5 degrees to 60 in a 5 day period. SMH
  • Our furnace downstairs broke. Then was repaired, then broke again. And now strangely working again….
  • We went out to eat at Mary Mac’s.  Mainly because they have a gluten free menu that I wanted to check out.



  • The gluten free menu was small, but good. Pooksh’s favorite: chicken, was on the menu, so he was satisfied.
  •  I tried Fried Green Tomatoes for the first time( Cdub had no idea I hadn’t tried them and insisted).  I wasn’t expecting the tartness? But I liked it! It came with this spicy sauce and they were so good! I think I’ve found a new favorite!
  • I got a fitbit last week and I have been wearing it for a few days. I am amazed at how many steps I don’t take while at work and how many I take on my days off. It’s really amazing.  If you want to be my friend on there, I’m LaShawn W, or you can find me through my email [email protected]
  • I got some alone time on Sunday when Cdub took Pookah to play golf. He sent me the cutest photo…

Cud sent me this....

  • That salted caramel gelato is the devil. I cannot have it in the house anymore
  • I’m trying to finalize what Bloggy Conference I’m going to this year. So many choices, such unlimited funds
  • We are also starting to plan our trip to San Francisco in earnest. On the Blogging Front, I could plot to be in San Fran at the same time as Blogher and solve the whole issue…..

Anyhoo, that’s all that’ going on around here. How was your weekend? Planning any trips this year? Conferences? Share!!!




  1. I have yet to go to Mary Macs and I have heard nothing but good things about them. I think I need to get there ASAP. I always wonder about the parking.

    Glad to see you got a little alone time. Look at Pookah getting his swing right. That is adorable.

    1. The parking can be horrible at peak times! We always go a little early, right before the crowds. Service is always quick though and Pookah is a customer service dream. Waiters always want to please him so we get awesome service lol

  2. I went to Mary Macs a few years ago, not bad at all. I’ve never had fried green tomatoes either.
    That picture of Pookah it too cute!
    Hubby and I were kicking around vacation ideas this weekend. I hope we settle on a place soon so I can start planning.

  3. I am a big “Meat & Three” type person. I love those kinds of spots. I’ve been to Mary Mac’s twice. It’s not half bad. I had never tried “pot likka” and they let me try some. I loved it! I prefer Gladys and Ron’s though for what I get.

    I am planning to go to Fitblogging this year since it is in Savannah. I’ve never been there before and The Mister hates it (he lived there). Probably my best chance to go.

    I wear a Polar Loop step counter. I feel like I do nothing on the weekends, but I can rack up 10K steps by just being active around the house. Amazing what happens shen you aren’t forced to sit down all day.

    1. I really want to go to Savannah too. I’ve been there briefly just passing through but I’ve always wanted to go. I love Gladys and Rons too, but every since Pookah had an allergic reaction
      There last year, they have been on my list

  4. I need to put fried green tomatoes on my list of things to try. I don’t know why, but I think the name alone is off putting for me.

    Glad you got some “me” time in.

    Also, the warm up was just as crazy as the freeze. SMH hope that’s the last of it for you. I know here February is when it really comes down.

    1. The name has put me off for years. Plus the fact that I barely like tomatoes anyway! But I was surprised that I liked them. Of course, the fact that they were fried really helped

  5. That golf shot is the best! And fried green tomatoes? Yes, please! I have a favorite brunch spot that does them SO well with a nice creamy sauce on the side with just a touch of heat. Hmmmmm. Now I’m craving them!

  6. I have never heard of fitbit… learn something new everyday.

    Pookah looking like a cute Tiger Woods! Love!!!

    We’re heading to San Fran next month. It will be a quick trip. I’m plotting on planning a summer vacay for us.

  7. I’m a fried green tomato junkie. Seriously, my first grade teachers grows them in her garden and gives me a bag at a time in the summer. We fry them for breakfast lunch and dinner. I’m often disappointed by restaurant versions but some pull it off well. I’ll put this on my list of places to visit.

  8. Fried green tomatoes are one of those Southern delights that everyone has to try at least once. I love them. It’s so hard though to find them in the grocery because they sell out like hot cakes. Pookah looks too cute getting his golf on. I’d love to attend a blog conference. Right now we have plans to take a mini vacation to the beach when it warms up.

  9. oh wow..glad the weather wasn’t so bad on your end!! the meal looks delicious…im loving seeing your shots on instagram!! i may need to convince my friend to go on a trip with me to a bloggy conference location…is there one in NOLA?

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