
I’ve been busy.

Pookah got better, but I of course, caught his cold. SMH.

But as he got better, it seems that little patch of eczema on his forehead…



Morphed into an extreme case of ringworm/super eczema. We are treating it with a $55 specialty cream. If it doesn’t work, me and my broke wallet will be on our way to the dermatologist.

My mom and dad came to visit…..Pookah…..


We went to the pumpkin patch. (Finally!!!)






Looked at some houses( It was a bust. Power lines humming behind one and a haunted house for the second one.)

Had date night with CDub….

(No photos, I was a bit….drunk…..)

And that is all.

It was busy, I’m still sick, but I had fun.

I’m tired.

But at least I don’t have to work today!

How was your weekend?


  1. That is a beautiful picture of you, mom & Pookah, girl you look just like mom. I love the pumpkin patch, the girls and I are going. I know they are old but I love going. Quiet weekend for us, unusually warm here in Missouri, 80 today.

  2. Cute pics with the family! My nephew has eczema, and so did I when I was younger. This weekend I did some chores, went to church, and laid around a bit. Feel better soon!

    1. Thanks. I just hate to see it! It’s so uncomfortable for him, and folks are always staring and asking what it is. I think poor Pookah is even getting self conscious about it. 🙁

  3. Mine was good. I got some shopping in and I’m two sizes smaller than I was aware of. The tip of the day is that if your pants don’t fit your underwear probably doesn’t either. Just saying lol

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